Chapter Seven

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I do not own the song above. All rights to the real owner. But I think it fits in the story because Tessa is a Slytherin girl. And the marauders come in the story too. So.... If you don't think it fits right here just say it to me...
Tessa p.o.v.:
I walked into the class and sat next to someone. When I looked to my left I saw it was Sirius. 'Oh no' I thought. 'I am such a stupid person...' "Hey Tessa. How are you doing?" "I am doing just great, Sirius." I looked at the board which was standing right in front of me. There was standing on:
Do your patronus with the person sitting next to you. You'll get two weeks to practise and you'll show it to the class (and me) on Friday ( after these two weeks).
'Great. Now I need to do my patronus with Sirius Black... Why didn't I pay attention to were I was sitting?' I thought. "Tessa? Hello...? Are you there?" "Yes Black, I am still here... sadly..." I muttered the last part. "What did you say" "Non of your business Black." He just laughed. "Maybe it is..." I rolled my eyes. 'Hahaha. Why do I need to have the most perverted (and sexiest) man / boy in the world.' Class was boring. As soon as the bell rang, I got up and left to go eating. FOOD is all I needed right now... I saw Narcissa standing next to Lucius. 'Oh no. Not this again' "Hello Tessa" "Hey Lucius, hey Narcissa." "Let's go eat" Narcissa decided to break the (akward) silence. We ate and sat on a bench in the garden. It was peacefully quite until... "Hey Lucius, what on earth is your problem?" I looked up to a very angry Sirius and his friend standing in front of me. "U have no idea what you mean, Black." Lucius answered. "I am going to kill you if you do that again." "Do what again?" Lucius began smiling. "You touched Tessa's ass. Why?" "Can't I touch someone's ass?" Okay I decided to stop whatever was going on. "Lucius.. Actually Sirius is right. You can't just touch my ass." "Oh come on Tessa. We both know you liked it." That was the last thing he said before he got hit square in the face. Sirius and Lucius fighted for about 2 minutes before we could separate them. 'What was just going on? Why did Sirius hit Lucius? Why was he angry? Was he looking at me because nobody saw that Lucius touched my ass ( except for the marauders...)? Why all of this???'

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