Chapter Twenty Two (part 3)

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I woke up because the light was falling in my eyes. I looked around and realised I was laying in a bed. To my right was a drawer and to my left was a window. In front of me was a table with food on and a couch placed behind the table. The door was in the corner to my right and was closed. I heard a knocking. "Come in." I said unsure. Tom came in with a book in his hand. "I'm sorry about yesterday. What happened yesterday wasn't planned. I hope you're feeling better. I yelled at the man who hit you. He isn't coming near you ever again." He ended with a smile. "Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to ruin my life because you think you can keep me safe from my godfather. He isn't going to hurt me." I said. "He will hurt you, Tessa. When the time comes, he will hurt you." He calmly said. "Stop saying that! You know nothing about me. Nothing about my life. So stop trying to get involved in my life!" I started yelling. "You know nothing... You killed my parents, my family... What are you going to do next? Kill my godfather? Or even my boyfriend?" I cried through my sentences. "If that's what I have to do, I will. You don't know what your grandfather can do. He is able to kill you, but I'm not going to let that happen." He said to me. I got so angry. I got up and hit him in the chest. "You bastard. You killed my family, my parents... You made someone kiss me so that Sirius would break up with me. You want my life to be a mess. You wat me to be broken. Leave me alone! Go away!" I yelled. He looked me in the eye. I saw hurt but also anger in his eyes. He turned around and left me alone. I fell to the ground and cried. They will find me and I can live my life. Together with Sirius, I can be happy. Can I...?

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