Chapter Sixteen

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Tessa's p.o.v.:
I woke up to my cat licking my face. Yes I have a cat that is all white. Her name is... (don't laugh) Whiskers. I made the name up when I was 5. And she is getting grey hair (yes... she is getting old...). I stood up and got dressed. When I was ready, I went out the door. I screamed loudly when I saw a figure standing there. But stopped once I realised that is was Sirius. 'Sometimes I am just so stupid...' I thought. "Are you okay, Tessa? I didn't meant to scare you." He said. I laughed and nodded. Letting him know I was fine. We walked to the Great Hall and food was ready. Nobody was there because it was vacation. Just for one week though. I felt someone grabbing me by the arm. I spinned around and bumped into Sirius' hard chest. I looked up at him: "You know that hurted... Right?" "Sorry Tessa..." He came closer to me and his lips met mine. We kissed! Finally. It only lasted for a few seconds. But they were the best seconds of my life! We heard someone calling our names. "Hey Tessa and Sirius. You two finally kissed." James said. We both began to blush. Lily just looked at me while smiling. Remus grinned together with Peter. And James... As always was laughing. James began to talk again. "I want to ask you guys something. Do you..."
I am sorry this took long. And that this is a short chapter. LOLFB2002 hier heb je jouw deel. Het is kort maar ok... mss vertel ik u de rest wel😉.
Hopefully I won't take long on the next chapter.

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