Chapter Four

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"When I was nine years old, i got the news that my parents died in a plane crash. That's why I ran away crying. My uncle said to everyone that they left me, because he didn't wanted everybody to know that they died. He lied to the people in the village and to the persons in Hogwarts too. Except for Dumbledore. He was the only one who stood and still stands by my side. Please don't tell anyone, okay?" They all nodded. I got to the door and left. By accident I bumped into someone. I got up from the hard (and cold!) floor and saw it was Lucius who I bumped in. "Hey Lucius. How are you doing?" "I'm fine Tessa. Are you okay? You fell pretty hard." He said while checking me in every place. "I am fine Lucius. Sorry about that. I didn't meant to bump into you." "It's fine Tessa. Things like that happen all the time."
He gave me a hug and left. I felt really strange. Almost like when you're cold and suddenly have a warm feeling... But I just let it go. I went around the corner and saw Narcissa standing there. "Hey Narcissa." "Hey Tessa." We both ran to each other and hugged REALLY tight. With her I could do anything and care about no one. She and I walked and talked about random stuff like usual.
It was dinnertime. We walked inside and sat down. Narcissa suddenly whispered my name and told me to look over to the Griffindors. I turned around and saw the marauders looking at me. When they saw I was looking at them, they smiled and turned around. That was weird... Maybe it was because of what I had told earlier...

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