Chapter Thirty Four

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*Picture above : I love the vampire diaries and there's gonna be some love (sweet kisses😙..) between Sirius and Tessa😍 and needy stuff😂!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  I was walking in a random hallway with Sirius. We were holding hands and there was a silence lingering around the room. Not an awkward one but a peaceful one. I found Sirius on the Quidditch field. He was sitting there with Remus. No wonder I didn't see them all day. They love Quidditch. Just like James. We talked the whole day and now we're walking back towards our rooms. Out of nowhere he stopped and turned to me. "I'd like to show you something." He smiled and grabbed my hand again. He pulled me towards a classroom. "Do you want to make some crazy things..?" "Like what, Sirius? I laughed. "Like a love potion...?" He suggested. He looked at me but something was different. Something in his eyes was different. Was it love? "Okay, let's make a love potion." I turned to a table standing in front of me. He stood behind me within a few seconds. "Okay. We first need to put this in the bowl and than we have to follow the book." He said while holding up the book. He placed it on the table again and I tried to grab it but he slapped my hand away. "Oowww!" And I slapped him. And that's how we ended up in a fight that had slapping each other hands away and throwing things at each other in it (weird sentence😂). This all ended when someone cleared their throat. We looked at each other and than up to the door. Albus was standing there with Professor Mcgonagall behind him. You see, Sirius and me ended up in a tickle fight after we stopped our little 'fight'. Which resulted in me laying beneath him while he was tickling me. We didn't even hear Albus knocking on the door. "I see you two are having fun.." He smiled. I smiled back and cleared my throat while looking at Sirius. He understood my sign and got up. He gave me a hand which I gladly took and he pulled me up. "Excuse us Professor Dumbledore. We were just leaving." With a flick of my wand the room was cleaned. "I forgive you. Now, go back to bed. It is past your curfew." He smiled one last time before leaving Sirius and me alone. Professor Mcgonagall following quickly behind him. "Well this was awkward.. We should go back to our dorms. We don't want that to happen a second time." He laughed and looked me in the eyes. "God, what did I do to have such a beautiful girl in my life? I'm not worth it. You could've been happier with someone else." He looked at the ground. I grabbed his hand and smiled. "I couldn't be happier right now. You made my life complete. You stood by my side every time. What else could I wish for?" He looked up at me and smiled back. Sirius placed his hand on my cheek and pulled me closer. We met each other midway and our lips touched. If I was talking about magic, you could see the firework (😂). We pulled away after a minute. He cleared his throat and told me we had to go. When we arrived at our dorms I was about to leave but a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. I placed my hands on his chest before I could bump into him. He pulled me closer by grabbing my neck and kissed me one last time before letting me go. We separated our ways and left to our dorms. In the corner of the common room stood a shadow watching both of them separate their ways. "It is time, Tessa Ferix. Tom has been cleared out of the way. Nothing will separate us now." But Tessa nor Sirius heard him...

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