Chapter Twenty Four

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I followed Severus towards the room. Tessa was laying on the ground whilst holding her hand. She looked up and I saw a little spark in her eyes. It was hope... I checked if she was alright and after being sure she was okay, I hugged her. A lot of questions were going through my head. 'Why didn't Tom leave yet?' 'Why is Tessa bleeding?' 'Why was Lucius looking at me like that?'...
I woke up and looked around. 'Where's Tessa?' 'Why am I not in teh mansion anymore?' 'Was I dreaming this?' Remus got up from his bed and walked over to me. "You okay, buddy? You were having a bad nightmare." He said. "Where is Tessa? Has this all been a nightmare?" "I'm sorry, Sirius. Tessa is still missing. People from the Ministry are looking for her. Even Dumbledore is looking for her. They're close to finding her. And when they do, Tom is going to be in a lot of trouble." He laughed at his last sentence. "She is in the Ri..." "I know, Sirius. She is in the Riddle Mansion. Dumbledore and the others are making a plan to get to her. But Tom can't know they're there. If he does, the whole plan is ruined and they'll find or even have another place to hide. You should get some sleep, bud. Tomorrow we are going to help them. Tom has going crazy already but I don't want you to get crazy." He said laughing again. 'Tomorrow... I will get her back. Tom really has going insane. But somewhere I get his point... Tessa has to be safe. Away from her godfather. But why hasn't he tried to kill her? Or even give clues that he is there?' I sighed. 'I'll have to worry about that tomorrow. I know that Dumbledore is really trying to get to Tessa. Even if it takes forever.' At that point I closed my eyes. But not before getting the image of a smiling Tessa in my mind. I smiled in my sleep, hoping she would be safe...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Regulus Black: if you want to imagine what he looks like. Just imagine a young Ian Somerhalder as him. Only if you want to. But I think he would be perfect as Regulus Black♡

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