Chapter Thirty Three

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I went to bed after 2 hours of studying and eating. Yes, I eat while I study. I was eating more than studying but that doesn't matter. I fell asleep right after I crawled into bed.
The next morning
I woke up to my cat, Whiskers, licking my face. "Aah, Whiskers. If you're hungry you could've just told me. You don't have to lick me every time." She looked at me and "Miauw". She walked towards her bowl. There wasn't food in it so I put it in there. She gave me happy eyes and started to eat. Thinking of food... I probably should eat something. I change into my regular outfit (Hogwarts rules!) and went to the Great Hall. Lily was sitting there talking with James. But Remus and Sirius were nowhere to be found. Probably had early classes. "Hey Lily. Hey James. What are you doing?" They looked up at me and Lily patted the spot next to her, a sign that I could sit next to her. "We're doing great. I am studying for a test I have tomorrow and James was helping me." Lily said. They are so cute together. The perfect couple (♡)! I began to eat when I heard a metal sound ticking against a glass. I looked up towards Albus' direction. He stood on the stage (as I call it) and began his speech: "For the past few weeks, there happened a lot of things. Some of you may know what it is going about..." They all stared at me. I looked at the ground, too embarrassed to look around me. "... Tom Riddle has been arrested for murder and kidnapping. He did something that was wrong, something he should not have done. Tessa Ferix is going to stay in Gryffindor for a while. I hope everyone will treat her right." "I thought she was already staying in Gryffindor?!" A Ravenclaw yelled. No respect.. "Yes, she was already staying in Gryffindor. But it has been a while now so I think she is going to stay there for a little more. For her safety and for the people around her." The same Ravenclaw opened his mouth bit before he could speak, Albus spoke: "We gave her a second chance. If it was any of you, we would have done the same thing. I hope you understand that. Do not and I repeat do not look at the news and assume that it is right what is standing there. The news makes up rumors to attract more people. Tessa Ferix is a normal being just like all of you. And she needs your help more than ever. That was all I had to say. Ooh, and everyone have a good vacation." He ended his speech with a smile. Vacation was within 2 weeks and I had to write everything down that I missed. But I don't like being behind so I already finished that. In 2 weeks I am away from all the stress. I sighed. Or maybe not?

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