Chapter Fifteen

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"Dear Tessa, I want you to come to the forbidden woods. Together with your friends. Only the persons you trust the most. This letter is going to destroy itself when you close it." That were the only things standing there. I closed the letter and it blew up. I ran to the woods. All my friends were running behind me. I saw Professor Dumbledore standing near a tree. There was a horse next to him. Not just a horse. A unicorn. All white with one black piece of hair on his tail. It was so beautiful. "Her name is Juno." Professor Dumbledore said. 'I know that name... My dad gave me a unicorn for my birthday. She was just born a few days when he bought it.' I thought. Juno turned around and came to me. Lily gasped and took a step back. And everybody else copied her. I stood there. I couldn't move. This is the only thing I have left besides Professor Dumbledore. He gave me a lick on my cheek which made me laugh. Professor Dumbledore smiled knowing I was happy. I felt a hand brushing mine. I looked to my right and saw brown eyes. Sirius. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I rubbed Juno's head. "You all should head back. It's getting dark. There are dark clouds meaning it's going to rain soon." Professor Dumbledore said. We all nodded and left. "Juno is save in the forest, Tessa. Don't worry about her. I will take care of her." I turned and smiled one last time at Professor Dumbledore. We all went back to our dorms. Remus and I are talking about some random things. James , Sirius and Peter are just pranking someone. And Lily is still studying for her test. I layed down on my bed and closed my eyes. Remus and I stopped talking because it was late and Sirius needed to guard me tonight. I fell into a deep sleep but not before hearing Sirius say : "I love you, Tessa. Forever." And a kiss to my head...
Sorry it took so long. I just didn't have the time for it... exams. Yes...
But here it is. Hopefully I can update next week. But I can't promise anything. Sorry LOLFB2002 dat het zo lang duurde....

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