Chapter Thirty one

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I knocked on his door. After two minutes, he opened it. "My dear Tessa. What is it that you need? Is something wrong?" "Hello Albus. No, nothing is wrong. Well, I think nothing is wrong. I'm confused by something and I thought you could help me." He nodded his head and invited me in. I walked towards a chair and sat down. "Talk, my child. What is it that you are confused of?" He asked me. I sighed, "Well I had a dream last night. It was about me. Sitting on the ground and I was having cold. I looked up and birds were flying over my head and that's when I realised there were wings attached to my back. One was white and the other was black. I don't know if it was just a dream or if it's real?" He looked at me and turned his back to me. He pulled a book out of a closet. "I hoped I would never use this book. But apparently I have to do it now." He looked at me and nodded, opening the book. There were pictures all over the pages and spells standing next to them. "You said there were wings on your back. One was black and the other one was white. Aah. Here it stands", He pointed at a picture,"But that wouldn't make sense. You are a Ferix. You would never be the only one. Unless you are special." He was talking more to himself than he was talking to me. "Albus, what's standing in the book? Is it something good or bad?" I really hoped good. "My child.. You are very special. You are an angel. A pure angel. You can keep your anger and happiness apart." "Then why am I so special. Not that being an angel isn't special. It's just not the 'wow' special!" "You are capable of using all the elements of the earth. Never noticed how when you got angry, you would put fire around you? Or when you were happy, the clouds would dissappear? You are special in your own way. But know that you cannot use your powers everywhere. You have to control it. And I will help you learn how." He said while a smile appeared on his face. We talked about my powers and speciality for almost an hour before it was time for me to leave. "Goodbye, Albus. Thank you for helping me out. I hope my wings will come soon. And I also hope it won't hurt much." "It will hurt, but you will know how to control your pain. And they will come soon. Sooner than you will think. Goodbye Tessa. Have a good day!" And with that I left his office.
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