Chapter Twenty Two (part 2)

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Sirius pulled out his wand and pointed it at Tom. "Don't make mistakes. You know you'll regret them later. You don't want to be a bad boyfriend. Do you?" Tom smirked. I grabbed Sirius' arm to calm him down. He lowered his wand and looked at me. "Let's leave, Sirius. We don't want our night to be ruined by them." I said. We walked towards the exit (where they were standing) but I was stopped by Tom. "If you really want to be loved, I could show you." He whispered. "How about no. I would never love someone like you. I heard what you said the other day about my parents and family. You're horrible!" I whispered/yelled back. Tom nodded his head towards me and I suddenly was in another location. It looked like an old mansion that hasn't been used for years. I turned my head towards a door. The door was closed but you could see light through the keyhole. A loud noise made the whole floor shake. The door opened and a young man came in. It was quiet for a minute. That's when he spoke up. "I've known you for so long. When Albus saw what your family did behind you're back... I could not sit back and watch them do that to you." He said. "Yeah. But killing them wasn't the only option. Tom, you and I both know what's right. And this is definitely not right. Let me go back to Hogwarts. Let's forget this. You want me and Sirius apart. But for what reason? So you could 'protect' me from my godfather. I don't even know who he is. And let's keep it that way. I've never seen him in my entire life. So he won't just show up at this time. He never will. You're just afraid that he IS more powerful then you. You're afraid to admit it. You're a coward, Tom Marvolo Riddle. You've always been." I said while tears were streaming down my cheeks. "You know I do this because..." He sighs. With his hand he goes through his hair. "I do all of this because I love you. I didn't know what love was until i saw you on the first day of school. You were and still are gorgeous. Now seeing you in this dress... I can't handle myself. My heart beats fast, my hands become sticky... I know I am horrible but I'm doing all of this for you, Tessa." He said. He came closer to me and tried to hug me. I pushed his hands off of me and started yelling. There came light in the room and before I knew it, I blacked out...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry for the short chapter. I just wanted to say thank you for the 400 reads. Thank you so much.♡♡

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