Chapter Thirty Eight

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Lily, James & Harry, Remus & Nymphadora (Teddy isn't born yet) and Sirius and me were sitting at the table. We were talking about our lives, what has been going on the past months and we were having fun. We ate all together and played a game. Harry was still a baby and I had the chance to hold him that night. Sirius kept glancing my way and was having a smile on his face. I had no idea why. "Come on, Tessa. Please do it again! For me?" James asked. He has been begging me to show him my wings nonstop. But I gave in. I revealed my wings to everyone in the room. James' eyes twinkled just like Sirius' did. Lily and Remus were looking at the wings in awe. And Nymphadora was giving me a smile that told me -you're beautiful, no matter what-. Harry was looking a little terrified at me so I hid my wings. "Albus told me I can control my powers now. But I still have to have lessons with him." I said. "Can you fly?" James said, getting a slap from Lily on the back of his head. He smiled apologetic at me and looked in his lap. It was Christmas eve and we wanted to celebrate it like the muggles did. Harry got a few clothes, some games and a rattle from all of us. The rest got money or clothes. Nothing special. But Sirius saved my present for the last. He handed it to me and I smiled to him. "What is this? You already gave me a present." "It's something from a special person." I opened the present confused. There was a box laying on my lap. I opened it and in it was a beautiful necklace. From Albus. Stood on the paper next to the necklace. I grabbed it and put it around my neck. It fitted me perfectly. I smiled and reminded myself to thank Albus later. And give him his present too (of course). James walked out of the room two minutes ago and now he was back. With a present in his hands. "What is that?" Lily asked. "I don't know. I heard the doorbell ring and opened the door. But this was placed in front of the door. No card from who it is.. Only to who." "For who is it?" Lily asked curiously. "It's for you, Tessa." I looked at him confused but took the present anyway. "From who could that be?" I asked. I ripped the package open and in it was...

A blue rose.

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