Chapter Eight

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Tessa's P.O.V.:
It was already two hours since the fight. Madame Pomfrey said that they both would be alright. I didn't know why the fight suddenly started. So I thought why not ask Sirius. Bad idee... I got to his bed and politely said hello. He looked at me and said: "I look awful. Don't I?" "No you don't. You look the same. But Lucius on the other hand... Why did you do that?" "Because I didn't like how he was touching you. And maybe because..." I couldn't here the last part because he was mumbling. "What did you say?" "I like you Tessa. Not just a little. But a lot. And it's not just a crush like I had all the other times. This one is different. I like you very much..." I couldn't think straight. All that was in my head was to run. So I ran away.
2 hours later (Tessa's p.o.v.)
I sat on a bench in the forest. I was thinking about everything. About Sirius, mom and dad,... My life is a mess at this moment. I could have said that I liked him back. But me being me would run away. Damnit... I got up and went to Madame Pomfrey to ask her if I could talk to Sirius alone. She happily said yes. I don't know why... But she listened. "Hey Sirius. I am so sorry I left. I didn't meant to leave. It just came into my head. So..." "It's okay, Tessa. But I have one single question." I nodded. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" "Yes Sirius. Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend." "I am so happy right now. But we need to keep it a secret. Okay? Just for a month or sonething because of all the things going on. Only our closest friends can know." "Yes it is fine by me." I laid next to him for a couple more hours before Madame Pomfrey sended me out. She was so happy when she saw Sirius and me laying there. I wonder what will happen if somebody finds it out or what Narcissa's and Lucius' reaction would be... I guess we will find it out soon enough. I got to my dormitory. Lucius and Narcissa were talking about something random. "Hey guys." "Hey Tessa." They said in symphony. We talked about stuff like school (duh), magic, our vacation. When I suddenly asked the question: "Hey guys. What would you think if I started dating a guy from Griffindor?" "NO WAY IN THE MAGIC WORLD YOU'RE GOING TO DATE SOMEONE FROM GRIFFINDOR." They said in symphony again. "Okay... It was just a question. MeandSiriusaredating...." "What did you?" "It was a stupid question..." "No after that." I sighed. I had to say it.. No matter if it was now or in 10 years. "Me and Sirius are dating." "OMG. Yes finally." Narcissa said. "WHAT???" Lucius said. "I am going to kill him." "No Lucius. You can't." "Why not?" "Because he is my boyfriend." He pushed me out of the way and went to the hospital room ( or hospital. I don't know. You can call it whatever you want😂.). 'Oh no this is not good.' I ran behind Lucius. Hopefully I can stop him...
Sorry guys that it took so long. I just had a lot on my mind. And I didn't have any inspiration. LOLFB2002 you own me something😝.

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