Chapter Twenty Three

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Sirius' p.o.v.:
Dumbledore said the plan were going to do. I went to Remus and Peter and said the plan. Afterwards I went to Lily and she agreed immediately after hearing that Tessa was kidnapped by Tom. We (Lily & the marauders) arrived at Dumbledore's office. He told us that this is our only change. If we miss it, we might never see Tessa again. Dumbledore went first by using the floo powder. Then each for each we went through the fireplace. "The Riddle Mansion." I said loud and clear. I  came through another fireplace in a dark room. It hasn't been used for a long time. You could see that. There were furniture with cloths lying upon them. I heard yelling in the room next to this one. The door didn't open so I used the alohomora spell. A fire lit the room. Tom was sitting at the table across from Severus. Lucius was standing in a corner and was being quiet. "Well. Look who we got here. It's Black who is trying to get his girlfriend back. You can try but I can assure you. If you do find her, her worst nightmare will come true." Tom said. "And what would that be?" I asked with a concerned voice. "She has to fight against her godfather. The one that's so powerful, that not even she will survive. I'm trying to protect her. But are you doing that to?" That question hurted me in the chest. I heard a scream followed by a loud crash. "What was that? Severus, go check where that sound came from." Tom said. Lucius looked at me and gave an apologising look. 'What was that scream?' I thought confused.

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