Chapter Twenty Five

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Sirius p.o.v.:
I woke up. 'Today is the day! I'm going to get my love!!' I got up and went to Dumbledore's office. He was waiting there for me together with some people of the Ministry. "You came. Were are the others?" Dumbledore asked me. "They are coming. Just grabbing some food for on the way." He nodded. After five minutes Remus, James, Lily and Peter were in sight. I waved at them and we left.
Tessa's p.o.v.:
I sat down on a chair that was placed somewhere in this horrible room. Tom came in the room every five minutes and I was getting bored of it. He came in the room and asked me how I was feeling. "Despite my wounds, I am fine."  You see, Severus really liked to tie my hands together because otherwise I would escape. Or try to escape. I didn't even make it through the door or Severus was already standing there with the rope. When Tom saw my hands tied together, he released them from the rope and yelled at Severus for tying my hands together. He nodded his head and left. I let out a breath, i didn't know I was holding in. I looked out of the window and thought of were my friends could be. What they're doing right now. I sighed... 'What is the meaning of all this? This doesn't even make sense. I'm being held captive by someone who killed my family. And now he is trying to "protect" me from my godfather. I have to get out of here. Now!' I looked at the door and back towards the window. I quietly walked to the window and grabbed a hairpin out of my pocket. The lock that was on the window opened and the window also opened. 'Why haven't I thought about this four days ago!?!' I jumped out of the window and ran. I stopped running at a lake in the woods. I heard a twig snap so I turned my head towards the sound. Severus and Lucius were standing there with their wands raised. "Tessa, let's think about this... If you run farther away from Tom's Mansion then you'll probably die. Tom is not trying to protect you without a reason. He is protecting you for your own good." Severus said. "You know Severus, I always thought you were a good person but after all this you're not. You tied my hands together, yelled at me, slapped me in the face. "Tessa, you know you shouldn't run away." And I felt a hard slap against my face. Severus had just slapped me in the face. You think you're keeping me save but if you have a little understanding, you know you're not protecting me. You're keeping me as a hostage in there. Against my own will. Let me have my decisions for my own. I can decide whether or not I want to fight my godfather. And I will not fight him. My family has treated me so well, that was until they died. My heart broke when I knew that Tom killed them. Its not up to him to decide to just go and kill my family. I had a happy live with my family and he destroyed it." I was crying right now. Sitting on my knees and crying. Severus took my arm and dragged me back to the Mansion. "ENOUGH!" I heard someone yell behind me...

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