Chapter Thirteen

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Tessa p.o.v :
I was so lucky to hear I wasn't pregnant. But I think Sirius wasn't that happy. His hands were in fists and with that he left. Without saying anything to me... I felt sad. Maybe he didn't want to be with me after all. They brought me back to my dorm. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
James p.o.v.:
'Where is Sirius?' I thought. He went away for at least half an hour ago. I bumped into someone. "Hey James. How are you?" Lily said. "Hey Lily. Do you know where Sirius is? And I am fine." "Yes. I have seen him walking to the Slytherin common room. Why?" "Thank you Lily. I will explain it later." I said while running towards the Slytherin common room. 'I know there is going to happen something bad. Please Sirius. Don't so anything stupid!' I thought. I used a spell on the door : alohomora (I know you can't open it because there is a password that locks the door... But just think this one time that you can... XD. The story would have ended here if you couldn't open the door. Just imagine it that you can😁😂.). I walked inside and saw Sirius laying on the ground, holding his nose. I looked to my right and saw Tom and his gang (Lucius and Severus) standing there. Tom was holding his hand because he hit Sirius. "James. Nice that you could join us. Boys, let's play ( it's from ouat😂)." Tom said. They grabbed me by my arms when... "STOP NOW! OR I'LL HEX YOU!" I saw Tessa standing there in the doorway ('oops. Forgot to close the door.' I thought.) with her wand raised... 'This is not going to end well.' I thought. "Tessa. Get. Out. Now." Tom said mad. "No. I won't obey you. Leave them alone. They try to save me. Try to protect me." Tessa said. 'I think Tom has a crush on Tessa.' I thought while smirking. There suddenly was a white flash. Tessa hexed Tom. He was laying on the ground with blood all over his body. He wasn't hurt bad, just enough to make him lay in the hospital for 2 days. Tessa warned Lucius and Severus. They left as soon as they heard her treat ( with Tom). She ran to Sirius and helped him stand up. I got up and helped her. We went to the hospital. Madame Pomfrey said that he would lay here for an hour and that Sirius could get out then. Tessa and I walked out of the hospital. I held her back by her arm. "Tessa. Be careful these days. They want you because of your strength, the power in you. And because you can get hurt easily now, I think that me and my friends need to stay with you day and night. I already got permission from Dumbledore when i was standing next to your bed. Now I need permission from you. Can we stay at your dorm to protect you?" "Yes. You guys can do it. But why can't Lily do it? She shares a room with me." "Because Lily is a girl and because she has been through a lot these days together with you. She cried on my shoulder because she felt bad for you. She said that she couldn't handle it. Lily is staying in a dorm that was empty. She feels sorry for you. But she can't stay focused these days and because she has a test too. Those are the two main reasons." "Okay. I get it. You guys can stay at my room. I am going to eat. You're going to come?" "Yes. Food is life." She put up her hand and I highfived her. 'I guess we have a lot in common.' I thought.
Okay readers. I am going to stop here. Sorry it took me so long to update but I had vacation so... I am really really sorry!

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