Chapter Twenty

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Sirius left the room without saying a word. I followed him until we got to the Astronomy tower. He stopped and leaned over the rails. "I am sorry, Tessa. I just couldn't help it. I got so angry. And he had to kiss you." "Sirius, if you didn't punch him in the face, I would've slapped him." I said while laughing. "So gross. I still feel his lips. Eeuuwww." I said. "Do I need to make you forget him?" He asked. I looked up at him. Now realising he was standing close to me. "" I stuttered. He locked his lips with mine. It only was for a few seconds but those were the best of my life. It soon was interrupted by James and Lily running towards us. "Are you okay, Sirius?" James asked. Sirius nodded. Lily smiled at me and asked if I could take Sirius to madame Pomfrey. We walked to the hospital. Madame Pomfrey helped Sirius. When we walked out of the hospital Tom was waiting there -with his bleeding nose- for madame Pomfrey to heal him. I ignored his stare and followed Sirius to the common room. Lily was hugging James, Remus and Peter were.... (😒) eating... again. Sirius went to his dorm because he was tired. And I was left standing alone (😂). Sirius came back to give a kiss on my forehead and said his goodbye. He whispered in my ear: " Goodnight love. Hope you have sweet dreams.. About me." I slapped him in his chest. He laughed and winked. That's when he left. "Hey Whitespark. Come sit with us." Peter said with his mouth full. "Yeah sure." I said not used to my new nickname. We talked for hours until it was close to midnight. I said my goodbye to every one and went to sleep. Bang! I woke up the next morning because of a loud noise. I went to the common room to see what it was and saw Lily and Remus trying to make a potion. But they failed. What looked like a potion should be in the boiler but it was all over the floor. James and Sirius came of the stairs right after me. "What happened here?" James asked. "We kinda made the wrong potion." Remus said while looking in his lap. "We wanted to make polyjuice potion but we added the wrong ingredient.. So the potion blew itself up." Lily said. "Okay. Let's go eat! I am hungry." I said. "Uhmm Tessa?" Remus asked. "Yes Remus." "Don't you need to get dressed first?" He asked again. "Oh right... Oopsie..." I said. I got changed and so did James and Sirius. When we got to the Great Hall Peter was already eating (like always). "Hey Lily. Why were you and Remus making polyjuice potion?" I asked. She looked at me but didn't answer. "Because we wanted to get a better grade." Remus answered unexpected. 'Why are they acting so weird?' I thought. "I'll say it later. There are to many people around." Lily said. I nodded. 'What is so important that I can know but not with the student around?'

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