Chapter Eleven

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Sirius p.o.v.:
I felt strange. Like someone was screaming for help. I was sitting in my dorm when I heard it. A loud scream. I asked Remus if he heard something, but he didn't. I got down the stairs where I saw Lily sitting. "Hey Lily. Have you seen Tessa?" "No I haven't. I actually haven't seen her in days." I looked at her confused. "Did there happen anything between you two?" "..." "Lily? Lily, answer me!" "Hey what's going on here? I can hear the yelling from miles away." I looked behind me and saw James. "James, do you know where Tessa is? I haven't seen her in a while and I think there is something wrong." "No I haven't seen her. Sirius, you seriously are getting to attached to her. I think you need to back of for a while" My hands turned into fists and my eyes we're all black from anger. I turned around, not listening to Remus saying/screaming my name. I walked to the shrieking shack, where I could cool of a bit. When I got there it was a bit different. Like someone was there. I walked in the house, upstairs to the bedroom. I opened the door and saw two persons kissing. I looked closely. I gasped.... "Tessa? What are you doing with Lucius Malfoy?" Lucius got up, not caring for anything and left. "You better take care of her, Sirius. Next time, it won't be me but Tom( LOLFB2002 speciaal voor u...). I looked at Tessa closely and saw her hands being tied to the bedpost. She said something under her breath. "Sirius, it... it is all my fault. I sh... shouldn't have 'saved' Lucius from Tom and Severus. Do...n't blame Lucius. He was forced to kiss me because Tom knew you would here. Tom knew that you're heart would break if you saw me with your rival. It is all my fa... fault..." She stuttered while crying. I looked at here with regret in my eyes. I went to her and untied her, hugging her while whispering that it will be okay.

Back at Hogwarts with the marauders :
Tessa was sleeping on the bed. "This is all my fault. If I didn't got there on time she could have been..." "Sirius. The most important thing is that she is here. We all need to keep an eye on her. Especially now in these dark times." Remus said. I looked back at Tessa who was sleeping peacefully. "Okay. I'll take the first shift. Sirius, you're next. Then Remus, James and Peter. In this order. So we'll all know who is taking a shift. Got it?" Lily said. "Got it" We all said in sync. I looked at Lily with the 'please be careful, she's the only thing I have left besides you guys' look. She nodded. We all left Lily and Tessa behind.
"Guys, Lucius also said 'next time, it won't be me but Tom'. We really need to be careful. For Tom, Lucius and Severus. I will go talk to Dumbledore. Asking him if he could take care of Tessa if we all are on holidays. I'll even tell him about the thing that happened in the Shrieking shack. Bye guys" "Bye Sirius" They said in sync again. Hopefully Dumbledore knows what to do...

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