Chapter Twenty Nine

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I woke up, for a second time, and went to the living room. Everyone (Lily, James , Remus and Sirius) was there and also Dumbledore was there. They were talking about something but stopped when I walked inside. "Hello my dear Tessa. How are you feeling?" Albus asked me. "I'm feeling better." I said with a confused expression. "We were just talking about you. You can come back to Hogwarts on one condition.. Be careful. When anything goes wrong or you feel unsafe, just come to us. Is that understood?" Albus said with a straight face. "Yes, I understand." I looked at Lily and smiled. I know I put a lot of people in danger just by one mistake. I love all of them and because of me they're in danger. I'm such a baby. Can't even take care of myself. Tom's going to regret everything he has done to me. Lily gave me a hug and told me everything was going to be okay. That I would be safe in Hogwarts. While deel down I knew that I wouldn't be alright.
At Hogwarts
I finally arrived at my dorm after three hours of waiting for the train and sitting in it. (I moved to Gryffindor a few months ago because everything that happened was to much. And the one that attacked me (Lucius) is in Slytherin so it was safer to stay in Gryffindor with my friends until the whole thing is fixed.) I layed down on my bed for ten minutes then got up to unpack my bags. When I was done, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Remus standing there with chocolates in his hands. "Hey, I wanted to give you a little present as a 'welcome back' thing." He said. I thanked him, saying it wasn't necessary but took the chocolates anyway (because it's food and Remus insisted). "Professor Dumbledore said that Tom is not coming to school for a month. The Ministry of Magic is saying that it's to dangerous because Grindelwald is somewhere in the magic world and no one knows where he is. They're thinking about sending Tom to Azkaban. Lucius and Severus are free to go because they thought Tom was 'using' them and that they didn't want to do any of those things to you. And Peter... He is gone. No one knows where he is.(😱...)" He finished with a sad smile. "Thank you, Remus. It's not up to me to decide the fate of all of them." I said. He nodded and turned towards the staircase. He turned around one more time: "I hope Lily's right. That you'll be safe. That Tom gest arrested for murder and kidnapping. But you and I both know that ,as long as Grindelwald is still somewhere and watching you, you're not safe.(-> weird sentence.. -.-)" He turned back around and walked down the stairs. I told Lily I was going to meet Albus and left. On my way there I bumped into someone bit didn't question it. Although he looked a lot like someone. He left too soon so I couldn't see who he was. (Dot dot dot!!!! Who is the mystery guy?!)

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