Chapter Thirty Two

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I walked back to my dorm but a sound was keeping me from going there. It was like a horse. Or something like that. I ran towards the sound and saw a horse with beautiful white wings. He was laying on the ground because his legs were bound together. 'Someone must have done this on purpose.' I thought. I helped the beautiful horse out of the rope. "Thank you, sweet child." Someone spoke. I held my wand up. "Who's talking? Where are you?" I turned to all directions , pointing my wand towards any object. "You are just like your mother. Kind but also a fool. It is me, my child, Zena. I am a Perseus from the Perseus horde (group of horses). I fell from the sky because a person threw a rope at me and my legs were tied together." I nodded my head, still unsure of what to say. "You do not have to be afraid. It is fine. I do not cause any harm." I nodded. "I've been through a lot. So I'm just making sure that you won't harm me." I put my wand back in my coat and walked towards the huge horse. Perseus horses are known for their kindness. They help every creature, their past doesn't matter to them. They're also known for their wings. They're so beautiful and white as snow. I walked around her, checking everything. She was beautiful. Her fur (if that's what it's called) is very white en her wings are so beautiful, they curl next to her body all the way to her legs. But they are covered in dirt and mud because of the fall she made. "Do you know who did this to you?" She was shaking her head while trying to take the dirt of her body. "No, i do not know it. But it was someone with a slytherin coat." "How do you-" She cut me of before I could finish the sentence. "Albus has shown me around the castle. And I know many things. But I have to go. My horde is ahead of me and I have to make it to our home in time before night falls." I nodded and smiled. "It was nice to meet you, Zena." "It was nice to finally meet you too, Tessa." And with that she took of. I walked back to the castle. A smile still on my face.

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