Chapter Ten

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I don't own the picture above. All rights to the real owner. If I make mistakes please say it.
1 hour later:
I was sitting on a bench on the quidditch field. When I suddenly heard my name being called. "Tessa, Tessa, Tessa!!!" I looked to my right and saw it was Regulus ( brother of Sirius). "Hey Regulus. What is it?" "Are you and my brother dating?" "Yes. How did you know?" "I know when my brother looks happy in a hospital bed, he has a girlfriend or he hurted someone. I thought the second one, but when I asked he told me the whole story about the fight and the 'asking out' thing. I am so happy for you, Tessa. You know I am always there for you. Whenever you need me..." You see, Regulus is my friend for almost 3 years now. I can tell him everything... But I don't tell him about my mother and father. We suddenly heard yelling: "We trusted you. How could you do this?" I saw Tom ( Voldemort ) and Severus with Lucius standing at the other side of the quidditch field. 'Huh. I guess some people do come here. Even though there is no match.' I thought. I ran to them with Regulus running behind me. "Tessa ,hold up!" "Hey! What's going on here?" I asked. "Non of your business, Black lover." Tom said. So there are more persons who know about this. I looked from Tom to Lucius. He was looking desperately at me. "Tessa, leave. This is non of your business." "I want to know what's going on. And I want to know it now...!" I said/ half screamed. "You are a tough girl, Tessa. But this is going to far. Severus take her to the shrieking shack." Tom said. "No leave her out of this..." but before I could register what Lucius said next I blacked out.
1 hour after Tessa's black out:

I opened my eyes. ' This place looks familiar.' I thought. I looked to my right and saw a body laying on the ground. I was curious so I walked over to the body. I gasped. "Regulus? What happened to you?" "He will not react because he passed out and got a few bruises because he struggled on the way here." I looked shocked at the person... "Severus? Why are you doing..." I stopped talking because of the mask he was holding. ( picture on top). "What is that, Severus?" "A mask. Are you that stupid?" "Why are you acting like this. I know this isn't you." "Maybe because the world changes. I change to... Tessa, Tom brought you here because he wanted you to be safe. There is going to happen something that you'll not like." "What will happen? Severus? Severus?  Severus!!!" But it was to late. He left through that door. Leaving me with all questions. Why? What's going to happen? Why am I not going to like it? Why is Regulus here too? Does this has to do something with..... I gasped: "Sirius!"

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