Chapter Five

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Hey readers. So I am out of inspiration and I need some. Can you guys please give me ideas in the comments? And btw I am so sorry if I make mistakes in my story. So if I do please tell me....
Tessa p.o.v.:
We were done with eating and went back to our dorm. Yes, Narcissa and I share everything. Food, secrets |except that one from my parents :(...| and now our dorm. I said to Narcissa that I needed some air and went outside. I looked at the sky peacefully. That was until I heard a person talking to another one. I decided I should stay quite and listen to them.
" So Sirius, are you really in love with Tessa?" "Quit it Moony. She could be here. And yes for the last time I am in love with her." "Then what are you waiting for? You have red her dairy, she looks at you all the time and she blushes when you catch her looking." "Maybe I don't grab my change because I know she is in love with Lucius Malfoy. The jerk knows I like or even love her. That is why he is so close to her. I can't grab my change because I know she likes him. That was probably somebody else's dairy." "Okay Padfoot. If you're not gonna grab your change somebody else will."
That's when the voices faded away. I couldn't believe it. Sirius Black LOVED me... I got up from the tree I was laying against and got back to my dorm. On the way back I saw Lucius. I tried to move faster but he was like an animal. Knowing it was me. " Tessa, what nice to see you again." To late now Tessa. " Hey Lucius. What are you still doing up this late?" "Oh I was just taking a walk. I guess you were doing the same?" I just nodded my head. I said my goodbye to him and kept walking. Maybe what Sirius was saying... What if it was true that lucius knew ( and still knows) it that Sirius likes ( or even loves) me... What if Lucius tried to make Sirius jealous...

Ps.: the picture above is Lucius in his young years. But this isn't the real one. I just took a random picture that "looked" like him. :-). Bye bye

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