Chapter Thirty

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I sat on the ground. I was having it cold. Above me were birds flying around. My wings covered me from the wind. My tears were falling from my cheeks. From a distant I saw a silhouette standing in the shadows. 'Tessa. Don't do this. You can control it.'
I gasped for air and sat up. 'What the hell did I just dreamed.' I stood up and changed into my uniform. Yesterday I talked with Albus about random things. Most things were about life and what I was going to do after graduation. I walked down the stairs and Lily was sitting on the bench. I walked over to her and sat next to her. She was reading a book and I was studying for my OWL exam. Exams were in 2 weeks. I was nervous and thought I would fail. I always think I would fail. Lily placed a hand on my shoulder and said everything was going to be alright. She saw that I was getting nervous because I play with my hands when I'm nervous and my breathing also gets uneven. I heard someone walking down the stairs. "Hey girls. You ready to eat?" I turned my head to see Remus standing there. I nodded my head and we left to the Great Hall. People were looking at us on the way there but I couldn't care less. They don't know what I've been through so let them give me those filthy looks. When we arrived, Sirius and James were already sitting at the table. We walked to them and started eating. It was close to Christmas too so people were having the Christmas vibe. Singing muggle songs, dressing in red when they didn't need to go to class or even bake Christmas cookies! I love Christmas. I grew up with my uncle so I didn't have a choice. Not that I mind! We all left in other directions after breakfast. Lily and James went to defence against the dark arts. Remus left towards the quidditch field to train. Sirius and me went back to our dorms. Whiskers was greeting me when I opened the door. I thought about my dream. What was that all about. Wings? Someone screaming my name? It was all too confusing. Maybe I should ask Albus for advice? Maybe he knows what my dream was about?

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