Luke, Ravi, and Val Pt.2

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Right before:

I sat there on the wall in the girls bathroom and sobbed my heart out.

Get it together,Val. You guys are only 14. It probably wasn't real love. If it wasn't, then why am I heartbroken and sad?

He said he needed me.

I need him too.


I literally didn't talk to nobody today. I kept my head down and kept it moving for the rest of school.

Is it really my fault for what happened?

I mean, I was gonna tell him. I just needed to find the right time to say it. And when Ravi said what he said, I just blurted it out.

Anyways, when I got home I ran upstairs and went to my room. I grabbed a suitcase and started packing.

Somebody had knocked on my door. I walked over to it and slowly opened it to see who it was. Emma. I gestured her in.

"Okay. What's going on? You, Luke, and Ravi didn't say anything when y'all got home." Emma said walking in.

"Long story. To make it short, I'm pretty sure Ravi likes me. Luke doesn't want to talk to me and doesn't want to get back together with me. And I'm packing to move back with my mom. And I don't know why Ravi is always in the hallway. Doesn't he have to be in class?" I said.

"Don't go. Everything has been better since you got here." Emma said.

"Better? Luke had to punch somebody. Ravi got kidnapped by somebody which I think is my fault. To be honest, everything is falling apart." I said.

I walked back over to the suitcase and started packing again. But every piece of clothing I put in there Emma would take it out.

"Emma stop, please." I said.

"No. Unless you stop." She said. She sat me down on the bed and she sat next to me.

"Look. I know you think it's all your fault but Luke is in-love with you. He tells me it all the time. I even caught him sneaking in your room while you were asleep." Emma said. I giggled.

"Look at your finger." Emma said.

I looked at it and saw the ring Luke gave me.

"Yea I know. He cares. But I'm still leaving. It's probably be for the better." I said.

"Fine then. I hope your happy." She said then walking out.

I just shuck my head and went back to packing. As I was packing I toke off my ring and put it on the dresser.

2 Hours Later:

"Ok I got my phone, charger, and clothes. What am I missing?" I said to myself.

I ran upstairs and looked around to see if I forgot something. I looked on my dresser and all that was there was my ring. I grabbed it an put it in my pocket. Just something to remember him.

I walked back downstairs. Nobody knows I'm leaving yet. Then Bertram came walking out the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Moving back with my mom. I'm not coming back." I said.

"Fine with me. Less work for me to do" Bertram said then sitting on the couch. I just shakes my head and clicked the button to the elevator.

"Val wait!" I heard somebody said.

I turned around and saw Zuri on top of the stairs.

He ran down it and came at me.

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