Practice Plan Day!

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Today's the practice of the plan. I'm not really all that excited though. To be honest, I'm sorta scared.

Bradley wanted me to skip my first class to get ready for the plan. I don't want to get caught though. Oh well.

I stayed in the restroom until the bell rang for first period. The hallways were empty. I slowly opened the bathroom door and walked out.

I heard footsteps and it was a teacher. I was breathing very heavily. But he just walked past me and didn't say anything. Phewwww.

I met at the spot were Bradley told me to met him at. I saw Bradley, Sadie, and Emelia.
"Hey, I made it." I quietly said.

"Ok but we have to go somewhere else or we well get I'm caught." Bradley said.
I followed him into a closet room.
"Why did you want us to come here?" Sadie said.

"Because I stayed up all night making the plan on this map. And I didn't want to show it at lunch. Somebody can just look and see what we're up to." He said.

"Woah." Emelia said.

"I know right. I thought you said it was going to be simple?" Sadie said.

"I know. But I was thinking the plan might not go the way we want it to. I made back-up plans." Bradley said

"This is the map of the park, right?" I asked. He nodded his head.

"Val you're purple, Emelia you're green, Sadie you're blue, and I'm red." Bradley said.

"This look confusing." Sadie said.

"Just study it!" Bradley yelled.

"Shhh! People could probably hear us from the outside." Emelia whispered.

"Sorry." Bradley whispered.

We stayed in there for the rest of the period while Bradley explained everything. I started getting the hang of it and so did Sadie and Emelia.
The bell rung.
"Guys we got to go. Remember be at the park by 5." Bradley said.
He slowly opened the door and looked around to see if anybody was watching. He gave us the signal to go.
I walked out and went to my second period.

I bumped into Luke on the way there.
"Hey." Luke said.
"Hey." I said then giving him a quick peck.
"Where did you come from? I didn't see you in your 1st period." Luke said.

"I, um, I had to go to the office." I lied.

"Why?" Luke asked.

".....Nothing major." I said.

"Oh ok. I'll see ya after school." Luke said.

"Actually. I have this thing after school." I said.

"Oh. Well I'll see you after that." Luke said. I nodded my head.
I waved him bye them went to my second period.

~After School~

Me, Bradley, Sadie, and Emelia walked to the park after school to start the practice plan.
"Remember the plan guys?" Bradley asked.
"Yea." We all said.
"They should be here in less then ten minutes. Everybody act natural." Bradley said.
"Bradley is really into this plan." I said to Emelia.
"Yea. He's been wanting to get back at them 2 for years. Now since we've got you, he can get them." Emelia said.
"We still have the real deal on Friday." I said.
"Yea, but I guess he wants to test it." Emelia said. I nodded my head.

~10 minutes later~

"Guys here they come!" Bradley said.
We all toke out positions and acted natural.
"Yea, I know." Kevin said to Joe laughing.
They looked us.
"Look who it is. The lame bunch in a group." Joes said.
Bradley gave me the look to do my part.
"Just please leave us alone." I said acting.
"You left the place. You all are coming with us." Kevin said.
"Leave them alone!" Somebody said.
Wait that wasn't me. It wasn't Bradley, Sadie, or Emelia. Who said that?

Luke's P.O.V:

I followed behind Val and her friends very quietly after school. When we reached the park I hid behind the bushes. I watched as Val and Emelia talked to each other.

Then I saw Kevin and Joe. Remember just stick to the plan and wait to come out if something goes wrong.

Kevin and Joe started talking to Val.
"Just please leave us alone." Val said. She looked like she was acting.

"You left the place. You all are coming with us." Kevin said.

That's not in the plan. What do I do? I have to go help.

"Leave them alone!" I said coming from behind the bushes.

Joe turned around.
"Luke get out of here. Nobody likes you." Joe said.

"I've been wanting to kick your butt for a while since you kissed my girlfriend." I said pulling up my sleeves.
"What. Like this?" Joe said. He grabbed Val by her waist and kissed her really hard on the lips. She tried pushing him off him. He finally left go after 2 seconds.

He then gave me a smirk. I was pissed now.

I ran to him and tackled him. I started punching him in the face. Kevin pulled me off of him then punched me in the face.

"Bradley, what do I do?!" Val yelled.
"You know karate. Get them." Bradley yelled.
Val ran towards Kevin and pulled him off me. I payed my attention back to Joe. He was wiping of the blood from his nose. I cracked my neck and got ready for what was coming.
He ran and uppercut me and the stomach.
As I was on the ground I looked at Val who was also on the ground. He hurt her. I jumped back up and pushed Kevin. He fell on his butt.
"Do any of you guys know how to fight?" I asked quickly to Bradley, Sadie, and Emelia.
"I can try." Bradley said.
"Come on." I yelled.
Bradley went over to Joe and punched him left from right.

I helped Val up. At the same time Kevin was gaining his balance.

I ran towards him and started kicking and punching like crazy. Val managed to throw him to the ground. She was singing her arms at him. He gabbed her in the face and she fell back.

I heard police sirens coming towards us. We all stopped fighting and stood up. Kevin and Joe made a run for it threw the bushes.
"Freeze!" One of the officers yelled.
"Hands up and get in the car. We're talking you all to the station." The officer said.
"What are you doing go after them!" Sadie said as she pointed to where Kevin and Joe ran.
2 officers started running towards their direction.

Me, Val, Bradley, Sadie, and Emelia got into the backseat. We had to go in 2 different cars. Me, Val, and Bradley in one car. Sadie and Emelia in another.

And with that we were off to the station.

To be continued...

Hey guys! Like the update? Comment and vote if you do!

I've been getting some people want me to update twice a week. Here are the reasons why I can't do that.

1. I have school

2. I already have another book that I have to update so it won't be on hold.

3. If I can barley finish ONE chapter for one week, I'm pretty sure I can't finish 2 chapters.

I'm sorry but if I had more time I would update more, but I can't.

The summer is coming and I'm going to be out of town at my grandmas.
My grandma doesn't have wi-fi so I might not be able to update for the whole summer.
If I convince my mom to stay home then I can update but it's a 34% chance of her saying yes.

Anyways don't forget to vote and comment. I update every Wednesday!

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