Is Connie The One?

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I woke up around 7am, which is my normal wake up time for school.
I just remembered that I have to see if Connie is helping with Kevin and Joe. I toke a 10-15 minute shower.
I dressed in a black shirt that had the words "BOSS" on it. Gray yoga pants and my black Vans. I only wore this because I knew something was going to go down with me and Connie.
I brush my teeth and put my hair in a messy bun. I'm ready for when I get in the school.
I just remember that today is Luke's birthday! He's know 15. I got his present late last night. It's a ring that has our names carved in it. It matches my promise ring that he gave me.
I also got him a custom made shirt that has our pictures on it. It says "No matter how young, love will always be there.". I figured it was rperfect.
By the time I was done dressing everybody else was ready too.
I went into the kitchen to get me some breakfast. I grabbed a bowl, milk, and some cereal.
As I was eating somebody walks in.
"Jessie?" I asked.
"Yea" She said as she turned around. She was wearing the same tore up clothes from last time. She had lots of black makeup on her face.
"This movie got you dressing so crazy." I said.
"I know. This outfit isn't so comfortable." Jessie said twisting the shirt of the costume.
"Is Luke ready yet? I want to give him his birthday present." I asked.
"Yea. I think he's in his room. Don't forget we are throwing a special birthday party for him." Jessie said.
I nodded. Jessie went to the movie room to go practice her lines. After I was done eating I went upstairs to get Luke. We have to catch the bus in 5 minutes!
I knocked on his door. He opened the door.
"Happy birthday, Luke!" I yelled.
"I can't believe you remembered." Luke said.
"Of course I remembered. I'm your girlfriend. Here's your gifts." I said giving him his gifts.
He opened the little box with the ring in it. "It's so beautiful. Just like you." Luke said putting it on.
"Aww. Thanks." I said.
"No problem. I'm wearing this shirt today." He said taking off his other shirt them putting the shirt I have him on. I gave him a quick kiss.
"You ready?" I asked.
"Yea, just let me get my backpack." Luke said. I walked with him in he room. Luke looked around and started scratching his head.
"Where's my backpack?" He asked.
"I don't know. Didn't you have it after school." I said.
"Yea I- Ugh! I left it at the police station." Luke said.
"We could run there, it's not that far." I said.
"Alright. But don't you have Classroom Volunteer?" Luke asked.
"Yea, but I can miss I few minutes. No biggy." I said.
"Why are you even in Classroom Volunteer?" Luke asked.
"I volunteered. When I was new I wanted to get some time away from the school so I don't have to deal with bullies. It's okay now. Now I go there for the fun of it." I said.
"Oh. Well we have to hurry if we don't wanna be too late." Luke said.

It toke us about 15-20 minutes to get to the station. I've had longer runs. Me and Luke went up to the counter.
"Excuse me. Have you seen or picked up a backpack here yesterday?" Luke asked.
"*Sighs* Let me check in the back." The office said rudely. He goes into a back room.
"Rude much." I said under my breath.
"I know right." Luke says.

The office comes back 2 minutes later and basically throws the backpack at Luke.
"Thank you?" Luke said.
"Bye. Have a nice day." The officer said not caring at all.
I rolled my eyes at him.
As we walked out I saw 2 figures sitting in chairs. I looked and it was Kevin and Joe. They saw me and Luke and made angry faces at us.
"Keep walking." Luke whispers to me in my ear.

We ran back to school which toke us another 15-20 minutes. Today I'm gonna gets some answers. Connie is my first target.
I put my phone in my pocket and pressed voice record. I needed to record this for evidence.
I walked up to her locker and slammed it while she was getting out her books.
"What the heck?" She yelled.
"Hey Connie. I have a question." I said.
She raised her eyebrow at me.
"I don't like you. Why would I want you to ask me question?" Connie said. She turned away like she was about to leave. I quickly grabbed her and turned her back around.
"Listen. I know you were the one who toke Ravi and are partners with Kevin and Joe. You might as well spill the beans." I said.
"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Why does it matter to you?" Connie said.
"Look, I'm tired of your bull. Kevin and Joe are in the police station. I'm not about to stand here and have a stupid conversation with you. Tell me, do you know Kevin and Joe and were you involved with the Ravi thing?" I said getting frustrated.

"I don't have I tell you anything!" Connie screamed.
Everybody started gathering around an looking at us.
"Your causing a scene. Tell me the truth." I said.
She looked around. "I'm so done with you Val. First you steal my Luke, get me threatened to be arrested by the cops from Jessie. And now you come here accusing me of something." Connie said. She pushed me as I fell to the ground. The crowd started chanting "Fight, fight, fight".
I got back up and pushed Connie back. She jumped on me and started pulling my hair. I slammed her against the lockers making her let go.
We was everywhere. I think people get hit by one of my punches.
Connie tried to jump on me again but I ducked and she flew over me. I got on rope of her and started pulling her hair.
"Tell me! Or you are going to need a wig after this!" I said.
"No!" She yelled back.
I pulled more on her hair. She started to scream in pain.
"Fine. Yes, I did help take Ravi and I'm working with Kevin and Joe." She said.
"You little-" I said but was caught off by somebody grabbing me.

It was the principle. Somebody else grabbed Connie. We were taken to the office and put in chairs.
"What is going on here?" The principle said.
"What's going on here is involved with the police and has nothing to do with you, sir." I said.
"Do not get smart with me, Val. Connie, what happened?" He said.
"Well. I just tried to get my books and she attacked me." Connie said with puppy dog eyes and a pouting lip.
"She's lying! She pushed me first!" I said.
"Val be quiet! You are suspended for 2 weeks for causing this fight. And your not doing Classroom Volunteer anymore." He yelled.
"Unbelievable! I love classroom volunteer!" I said throwing my arms up as I leaned back on the chair.
"Well you should have never got into a fight." The principle said.
"Wait I have proof that I didn't start it!" I said remembering about the voice recording.
I played it and he listened.
"This doesn't show me that Connie hit you first. If it was video then I could see exactly what happened." The principle said.

I can't believe I got suspended for 2 weeks. And on Luke's birthday! What am I going to do?

Hey guys! Like the chapter? Comment of you did and vote. I sorta threw this chapter together.
Oh and today is actually Cameron Boyce's birthday! He's 15 now. Everybody go tweet Cameron Boyce Happy Birthday!
Also today is my moms birthday! I can't believe she has the same birthday as my celebrity crush!

But anyways don't forget to vote and comment.

I've decided to call you guys Jessians! I like that name.

See you guys next Wednesday, Jessians!

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