The Day After...

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I woke up and brushed my teeth, toke a shower and went downstairs to eat breakfast. Yesterday was so crazy. I have to talk to Bradley about last night. I don't know how he's feeling right now. I don't even know how I'm feeling right now!

"Good Morning, Val." Jessie said.

"Good morning, Jessie." I said.

"Why did you leave the party so early last night? You didn't even get to open your presents." Jessie saod.

"I was just so tired. Where are my presents?" I asked.

"They should be in your closet." Jessie said.

"I'll open them after breakfast." I said.

After a while everybody started coming in te kitchen to eat breakfast. It was first Emma, Ravi, and Zuri.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Hey Val." They all said. They sat down and Bertraum passed around the plates. It was pancakes, eggs, and bacon. My favorite breakfast meal.

"Any good news from Luke?" Emma asked Jessie.

"He's still in his coma. We're going to go see him later today." Jessie said.

"As much as I don't like Luke, I still wish he was here. He made the day interesting." Emma said.

"I know. But he's fine. It should'nt be that long until he wakes up." I said.

After having small talk at the table, I finished my food and went upstairs to my room. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to go tell Jessie that I'm going to see Bradley. She told me to take Emma with me. She didn't want to let me go by myself because of the shooting and we don't want that to happen again.

"So how has your job been going?" I asked her.

"It's going great. It's nice to have money of my own. Speaking of money. What happened to all that money we worked for?" Emma asked.

"I put it in savings. Just incase we need it when there is an emergency." I said.

"Oh. Why are we going to Bradley's house again?' Emma asked.

"You promise you won't tell Luke when he wakes up?" I asked. She nodded her head.

"Last night Bradley kissed me." I said quietly.

"He what?!? That jerk! Why would he do that if he knows your dating Luke?" Emma asked.

"I don't know. That's what I'm going to find out. Just don't go crazy on hm. I just want to work it out myself before Luke wakes up--" I said until Emma cutt me off. She was looking at her phone.

"Too late now." Emma said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Jessie just texted me saying that Luke is awake. The doctor called." Emma said

"OH MY GOSH! We'll go to Bradley's later, we have to go see Luke!" I said. We started running back to the Penthouse. We are going to try to catch a cab. We waved to all of the taxis until one stopped. We hoped and told him to take us to the Hospital.

We made it to the Hospital in 10 minutes. We rushed to the room Luke was in. We stopped before opening the door to catch our breaths. Then we opened the door. Jessie and everybody else was there. I saw Luke he was talking to his mom until he saw me come in.

"Val!" He said in excitement. I walked over to him and gave him a big hug. "Are you feeling okay?' I asked.

"Yea, now that you're here." Luke said. I heard a bunch of "Awe's and started to blush.

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