Luke Birthday!

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Are you kidding me? I'm suspended for 2 weeks and I can't do Classroom Volunteer no more! And it's Luke's birthday! What am I gonna say when I go home. "Oh Happy Birthday, I also got suspended for 2 weeks and won't be able to Classroom Volunteer no more! Have some cake!"........

Hey, but I did find out that Connie is helping Kevin and Joe. Now when we go to court I can show proof that she said it. And I have witnesses that Kevin and Joe are bad. They have been messing with Bradley, Sadie, and Emelia.

I call Rocky and CeCe to meet me at the park.
I need there help to justify that I'm not a liar and.....yeah.

10 minutes later I was at the park and saw Rocky and CeCe too.
"Hey guys." I said walking towards them.
"Hey." CeCe said.
"Hey. Why did you want us to meet you here?" Rocky asked.
"Long story. But I sorta got arrested. And now I have to go to court in a couple of days. I need your guys help to tell the judge that I'm a good person and what not. Sounds good?" I said.
"Ok- Wait What?! You got arrested?!" CeCe said.
"Yea I know. It's shocking that a 13-year-old girl gets arrested. To be honest it wasn't my fault. You should ask Luke about that." I said.
"Ok, we got you." Rocky said.
"Oh, and I also got suspended for 2 weeks." I said.
"Girl, I know it's almost the end of the school year but dang! Chill out with getting in trouble. You could get expelled." Rocky said.
"I know. I know. I know. But just please help me." I pleaded.
"Okay." They both said.
"Can we spend the night? It's been a while since we hung out." CeCe said.
"Yea. You can help with Luke's birthday party." I said.
"I forgot today was birthday! I didn't have any money to but him anything anyways." Rocky said.
"Me either." CeCe said.
"It's fine. Come on!" I said.

We walked back to the penthouse. Which wasn't that far away from the park. Everybody was getting decorations ready for when Luke gets home. Apparently he takes a dance class now. He should be home in 10 minutes. There is always traffic in New York.
"Val, where have you been?" Emma said.
"At the park with Rocky and CeCe." I said.
"I heard you got into that fight with Creepy Connie. It's the most popular thing everybody's talking about. You are like famous." Emma said.
"The worst part is that I got suspended for 2 weeks and I can't do Classroom Volunteer anymore." I said.
"What?! You didn't even hit first. I saw the video. Somebody recorded it." Emma said.
"I know. Wait, you saw the video?" I asked.
"Yea. Its all over Instagram. I can't believe you didn't see it yet." Emma said.
"Who's page is it on? I need that video. It can help me not get suspended and get Classroom Volunteer back." I said.
"I'll tag you in the comments so it can pop up in your notifications." Emma said as she got out her phone and did what he said.
"Thanks." I said.
"No problem." Emma said.
We heard the elevator ding and we looked to see who would come out of it..
It was Bradley, Nick, and Jake.
"What's up Val? Haven't talked to you in a while." Nick said reaching out for a hug.
"I know." I said giving him a hug.
"Long time no see." Jake said giving me a hug.
"Hey Val. I saw you yesterday." Bradley said.
I laughed.
"You guys helping with the stuff. Luke will be here in 5 minutes." I said.
"They nodded their heads and went into the kitchen.
There was another ding at the elevator. And out came Haven.
"Haven! It's been too long since we've talked." I said giving her a big hug.
"I know. How have you been lately?" She asked.
"A lot is going. I got arrested yesterday. I got into a fight today. I got suspended for 2 aweeks and I can't do Volunteer Work anymore. I also have to go to court in 2 months." I said. Haven's mouth dropped open.
"That's crazy!" Haven said.
"I know. I'm a little stressed." I said.
"Oh. But, I came over because I heard it was Luke's birthday today. I got him this fighting game he might like." Haven said.
"Cool. He'll like it." I said. I grabbed the present and put it on the table.

"Guys Luke is coming up the elevator! Hide!" Jessie yelled.
I grabbed Haven and we hid under the piano.
We turned of all the lights so Luke can't see the decorations when he walks in.
The elevator opened.
"Hello?" Luke said.
Somebody had turned on the lights and we jumped out.
"Surprise!" Everyone yelled.
Luke jumped back really scared then he started laughing.
"Thanks guys!" Luke said.
Luke said hi to a bunch of people. I was really nervous in how I was going to tell him this. I mean I got in BIG trouble on his birthday.
I walked up to him as he started talking to Nick. "Hey. Can I talk to you?" I asked.
His smile faded.
"Sure." He said.
We walked upstairs to his room. I closed the door behind me.
"Umm. See what happened is that I got into a fight at school with Connie." I said.
"What? Why?" He asked.
"She's helping Kevin as Joe. She's the one who toke Ravi." I said.
"She told?" Luke asked.
"I had to force it out if her. I got in trouble. I was suspended for 2 weeks. And I'm not allowed to do Volunteer work anymore." I said.
"Really!? Suspended for 2 weeks. Did you even hit her first?" He asked.
"No. She lied to the principle and said I did. That's why I got suspended. I was just trying to talk to her." I said.
"Did you already try to explain?" He asked.
"Yes! I even did a voice recording. But he said it wasn't a video so there wasn't any actual proof that she hit me first. But somebody got a video. Emma sent it to me." I said.
"Wow. For the first time Emma done something right. But how are you going to show him. You're not allowed in the school for the next two weeks. The school year is almost over. We have 3 weeks left." Luke said.
"I can give it to Sadie and ask her if she can give it to the principle. I know we only have 3 weeks. I don't wanna be gone for 2." I said.
"What is your mom gonna say when she knows about this. She's going to make you move back with her." Luke said.

"She can't. She can't afford to have me move back." I said shaking my head.
Somebody knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" Luke yelled.
"Jessie. Can I come in?" Jessie voice said behind the door.
"Yes." Luke said.
"Are you guys coming down? They want Luke to blow out the candles." Jessie asked.
"Yea. We'll go." I said.
"We will be down there in 2 minutes." Luke said.
"Look. I'll think of a way to give Sadie the video and have her show it to the principle. I'll text her." I said.
"Ok. Do it while we are eating." Luke said.
We walked back downstairs.
"There's the birthday boy!" Jessie said.
"Hey guys." Luke said.
"Time to blow out those candles, brother!" Ravi said.
Luke in the chair that was in front if his cake. His cake was decorated with race track and mini race cars driving on them. There was a candle that said '14' that was lit.
"Make a wish." I said.
He inhaled a lot if air. Then exhaled it all out.
Everybody started clapping and saying 'Yay'.
"What did you wish for?" I asked.
"I wished that I can have you forever until the day I die. It might not happen, but it's nice to know that I can wish for it." Luke said. I started to blush.
"Of course I'll be with you forever." I said.
There was a lot of 'Aww's in the background.
I gave him a kiss. He kissed me back. It lasted for 2 seconds since there was people around.

Happy Birthday, Luke!

Hey guys! I finished this Tuesday night! At around 11. I just have been holding it off. It would have been longer but I had to go to sleep. I just have Exams and I can't get to this so much.

But it's okay because in 2 days I'm out if school for the summer! YAY!


See you next Wednesday, Jessians!

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