Chapter | 22 | edited

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Shane - (yay)
The date had taken a good turn, I had an amazing time with her last week, honestly it was one of the most amazing date I've ever had, I made her smile and laugh at my attempt jokes, I got to hold her in my arms and just stare at her beauty.

All week I haven't stopped thinking about her since our date, now and then I would just smile out of the blue remembering the date. I sat on my chair in my office, supposed to be working on paper works but instead all I've been doing is smiling and remembering, the knock on my door had me stopped day dreaming and smiling like a fool,

"come on in"

I answered changing my voice a bit and cleared my throat, fixing up my desk,

"Maya, what can I do for you? "

Maya sat down on the chair in front of my desk, placing her hands on her lap then she took a breath,

"I heard that you had an amazing time with Amaya"

she looked intensely in my eyes as if she were staring into my soul,

"yes it was amazing "

I couldn't help but smile

"yes by the way your face lit up and smiled I could tell you did, but please be careful with her, her heart has been torned so many times that no one should've survived, you are her mate and if you do something could hurt her it'll be worse then what she went through"

I understood her, I knew that if I were to break her heart it would've been ten times painful because I'm her mate, but I would never not in a million years, she deserves so much and it pains what little I can give to her

"her heart is at the edge, I've known Bethany before I even shifted and found my mate, and let me tell you something Bethany, Amaya, she had been broken so many times that I've lost track count of, she hides her feelings afraid of letting anyone see it, she's barely human so please all I ask of you, take care of her broken heart, your an Alpha, you alone have the knowledge of knowing what a mate severed bond can do to one, so please do not let her be Alpha's shattered mate"

she stood up and walked out closing the door slightly quite, I understood everything she had told me, everything she had asked me off, Bethany's heart is barely glued together, if I were to break her she would never return, she would be hollowed and filled with void even more, she's barely getting accustomed to being human again.

I walked towards my window and noticed everyone training, Bethany yelling orders, I listened to her as she explained what different variety of fighters there were, as she walked back and forth, hands behind her, her hair tied up into a pony tail, wearing nothing but outfit clothing which made her curves stand out in every right places, I couldn't but smile and set a goal for myself, a goal that would help her become whole again, especially her heart.

Maya pov-

I walked out of Shane's office, after discussing Bethany, and her heart.
I walked towards my room which was occupied by my beautiful mate, hugging her from the back, I wrapped my arms around her and rested my chin against her, she turns around and wraps her own arms around me while placing a soft kiss on my forehead,

"how was the talk with my brother?'

she ask,

"he's happy, happy with Bethany"

memories of Bethany flashes before my eyes, her smile and laugh before, the way she joked around with everyone she loved and cared, but that was back then and this is now, the Amaya I new was now Bethany, a girl from happiness and loved was torned from the people she cared and loved,

"she shouldn't have gone through hell"

I say to no one in particular,

"but she did babe, and you couldn't prevent that, Bethany went through something that no one shouldn't have gone through without surviving, the moon goddess has a plan for her, she's special and so are you, you are going to be there for her , because I know you , you won't let someone you care go through so much on their own, everyone in life will have someone, either they don't see or want them but they will always be there,

"I love you"

I kissed my beautiful mate and made the hug tighter, she's right, I will be there for Bethany when I couldn't for Amaya, she will be back to herself, the mask she place on will be removed by her own choice when shes ready and if I have to wait then I will, because Bethany will need me more then ever, before death will come after her and so will pain.

Really short , sorry I just thought that i'd give Maya's POV.

841 words counted.

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