Chapter | 31 | edited

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That annoying beeping kept going and going until I had enough. I imagined that beep to shatter ,to break into a million pieces and turn to ashes.

I opened my eyes and bright light streamed in, I closed my eyes immediately  and this time I was ready for the light. I opened my eyes and this time the light was not burning through my soul, I look around and find myself alone - until I looked to my left and saw Shane sleeping on the small sofa, wearing sweatshirt and a sweat pants. I felt sorry for the sofa, because of his large figure he can't fit although  he looks so handsome even when he's sleeping.

I couldn't ask for a better mate, the moment I had thought of the word mate everything came crashing down like a bucket of water being poured onto me. I gasp which waked Shane leaving him scrambling and looking around ones he saw me he ran towards me calling for nurse,

"breath, take it easy my love , breath"

his soothing words helped me calmed down and slowly my breath began to even out. I nodded telling him I was calming down

"that's it, my love you scared me"

he kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes, feeling the touch of his lips on my skin, giving that familiar spark in which comforts me, giving the calmness that I greedily need for my erratic heart. 

Ryder. Everything about him from his  scent to his touch I remember, it was all there, everything that he has that I remember it  was all there. But Ryder   died, I saw him die, he was in my arms as he took his last breath and I was at his funeral. I felt my heart shatter and now wondering if he  was the slightest alive, impossible. 

I sat in thoughts on my bed, everyone had visited me and bid a welcome back, even my mother was here as well as my aunt , last time I had checked she was somewhere in Peru doing god knows what but knowing her she'd instantly drop everything to help especially to times like these.

I was in thoughts thinking of everything and everyone but it  was abruptly stopped by a sharp pain on my back. I scream and instantly Shane to my side , I gasp for air,

"Back!!! it hurts "

Shane , my mother,aunt and the alpha and Luna along with Sally looked worried. Shane tried to lift my shirt up and one's  he did he froze, his hand suddenly finding a spot on my back easing the pain , I sigh and my horrid breathing catches up

"what are you doing Shane, the pain it's easing"

I looked at Shane but his gaze was still on my back, tracing something with his hand, he looked in my eyes

"Ms Rose please come take a look at this"

my mom walked towards me and looked at what ever Shane had found

"what is it?"

I asked eager and curious , everyone took a look and gasp, at least Maya and Sally did, my mother on the other hand

"No, not yet"

I looked at my family, anger getting the best of me

"mother what is it?" 

I waned to know , for god sake it's  my own damn skin and yet no one is uttering a single word. I got up and limping my way to the bathroom with everyone my way , if they couldn't tell me then I see for it myself. Once I finally made it to the bathroom I untied the strings and looked at my back and there a marking was carved , my heart began to run wild, although I was scared because of the marking I was slightly admiring it, the way it ran down from my neck to my whole back with blood like color , a symbol I'm the very admired of

" Amaris what is this?". 

I called to her only to be left with silence. I felt her yet I didn't , was that even possible?, I searched my mind for her and found nothing. I ran back to the room to find everyone talking in a hush tone, searching for my mother so that I could ask her some question. I found her with the Alpha and Luna along with my mate, once they found out I was back in the room they all turned their gazes at me , I limped my way to my mother

"Mom I can't contact her and yet still feel her"

my  mother was about to answered only to be cut short with an unfamiliar voice in the room


we all turned our heads to the voice

"that's because she's not there"

the voice belonged to a  women about her teen years, the moment I looked in her eyes the realization hit me like a ton of bricks, those eyes that stayed with me through out the moment I shifted, that eyes that helped me make it through the changes


she slowly makes her way towards me, a powerful aura surrounding her, she nods and placed her hands on my shoulder and our connection became alive ones more, I gasp and lunged my arms around her, Amaris was and is like a sister to me, she knew this ,

"we have a great deal to talk about, especially with what's happening"

I nodded. I needed answers and I felt like she was the one with the answers. 

Couple of hours later I had gotten settled down, now I stand in front of the mirror with my mate setting down my bags from the pack hospital,

"still look beautiful as ever, god I miss you so much my mate"

he cupped my face and rested his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around him, letting his warmth in, I sigh

"I missed you too, thank you for staying with me, thank you for being with me"

he lifted my chin and connected his lips with mine, the tingling feeling warmth me, we belong together, we are mates for a reason and that reason he and I can only figure out ourselves.

Soon enough realized that I love him, he's always been there through everything, staying by my side,

"I will always be by you're side my beautiful and strong mate"

He whispers as he held me in his arms.

"I love you"

I say which caught him off guard considering I've never really said those four words out loud, but I truly do, I kiss him this time. Then we pull apart and looked at each in the eyes

"I love you too". 


Hello guys, so as you can figure out that Amaris is her sister, her actual sister but how exactly? don't worry all will be revealed, Bethany is about to find out everything, I mean half of everything. Also I've got news, I'm publishing a new book and this book will be a lot different, a mean it''s not supernatural, like zero supernatural so I hope y'all can take the time to read it. THANK YOU

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