Chapter | 42 | edited

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Aden has always been the one person in our used to be group who would prefer to see then to hear to believe things. Always wanting proof before believing and telling him about my story, about my life and secrets I knew full well that he would want me to prove what I'm telling him.

"This isn't the actual time for jokes Amaya"

He says adding a chuckle. The name sent a hurdle of memories within seconds and I kept reminding​ myself he doesn't know about my new identity or about the fact that every time I hear that name all those pain that I've felt will linger for a good second.

I sigh and looked at him from our now sitting position against the wall of our cell that I have forgotten we were even captured.

"I'm sorry but it's the truth "

He became quite.

"But how?, who's my sister ?, how are you one ?"

This was going to be a lot of exolaining but in order to make him believe I needed him to understand and know my story before I had disappeared .

"This will be a lot to take in but please bear with me"

He nodded and looked at me , waiting for my story.

"When I had found out that Emilian died that was the point where I completely shut down. When I couldn't handle the pain I thought that maybe ending everything was going to solve it, I thought that if I was gone so will the pain . So I had planned on ending my life . I don't remember of it but all I can remember is my mother's voice calling for my name seeing amount of blood dripping down onto the floor.

Few days I found myself in the hospital . My mother had told me that I had attempted to take my life and lost a lot of blood. I was asleep for two weeks but when I woke up I couldn't feel anything . I felt so numb and broken . That was the turning point. So empty.

Few months later I decided with the help of my mother she'd make me disappear and she did . I was hiding , moving places to places , trying to make sure that no one could or would recognized me and it did worked although it came with something I never thought I could do. I started killing , killing people and addicted to finding Alex . I killed everyone that was connected with him. His living relatives everything. I tried only to find out that he apparently died in a car crash. Without so much as a goal I just started ending criminals lives, became a hit man and felt no remorse. I became the thing I was afraid to become one. A monster. One night I came home to my mother in pain. I felt like my whole body was on fire. My bones felt like they were slowly shattering . My vision blackened and I found myself in a form I didn't even knew existed . I was scared of it , so unfamiliar but my mother had told me that I was a werewolf. She kept that secret for so long . According​ to her the only reason I transformed was because of the pain that triggered that side of me. Trust me I was so confused and didn't believe it but over time she helped me , helped me embrace it and learned to control it."

It was like I was there all over . Reliving it ones again as I told him my story. He was quite taking in the information's.


Was his reply.

"Yeah​ you could say that again."

We were quite for a few good minuets that I didn't noticed myself slowly drifting to sleep .

I woke in the same place and spot with Aden asleep next to me, his head lying on my lap . I comb his untamed hair , still finding it hard to believe how it could still be so smooth in a place like this. I drifted out to my thoughts that I hadn't noticed the visitor.

"You know hiding in the shadow is pretty useless"

My voice came out soft and hoarse but I knew the figured heard me pretty clear.

The shadow came out and placed with Liam . God I wanted nothing more then to wrapped​ my hands around his neck to block out his only way to breath.

"Ah, well figures . I see you still remember your little friend "

He was dressed in a black ripped jeans, matching it with a simple blue T-shirt.

"I see you haven't changed"

I reply not looking away from what I assume his eyes were.

"What do you want from me"

I was tired of this game. Games that we've been playing for way to long.

"Ah I have a lot of things that I want from you but right not someone else wants you"

I already knew who it was, the same person who kidnapped me. Aden stirs and his eyes open.

"Well well look at that the sleeping beauty is awake"

No one laughed at his comment.

"unfortunately I would love to chat more but the boss needs you "

He walks further towards the cell inserting the key in . Aden and I quickly stood up.

"If you try to resist your little friend here will die. "

With that I followed him.

We walked through the naked halls. Not a frame or any color . Painted in gray and black patterns. Lined with rusty and the smell of death, cells right after the other. He led me to a double door. The closer we got the more I felt him. Hear his heart beat in a calm motion. Liam opens the door and the first person I noticed was Alex . Standing next to a chair that was built for a king, hands behind him , his wrinkled gray and white attire that I wished could suffocate him .

Ones he noticed me a small smirk appeared upon his unshaved face. I took this moment without giving anything away , not a single emotion because I knew that's​ what he wanted , to bring out some sort of emotions that would let him know he effected and still effects my life but I was not going to let that happen.

Not now. Not Ever.

In the chair the man who kidnapped watched . I could feel his eyes scanning every inch of my body. I didn't move a muscle. I turned around to meet the man who kidnapped me. My heart swelling due to his similarities .

Similarities with the man I loved.

You all will find out about the old prophecy in the next chapter promise you this.

But Aden is back and he has a sister ?.

What's going to happen with them ?

And what and who is this kidnapper . what does he want ?.

There's more question and keep reading to find out.

1149 words counted

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