Chapter | 38 | edited

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There will be a surprise in the upcoming soon to be chapter.

Mark Watson , the name that sounded so familiar yet so strange , deep in my head I knew I've heard that name before but I couldn't place it.

Mother and Aunt had decided to go back to our pack , the king who I haven't called my dad and the girl who I haven't named as my sister all went back to their homes. I had told them I needed a break and time to think of everything.

Although they've shared the secrets I couldn't help but feel there was more , something they were hiding from me, something bigger but I guess all of the secrets that was hidden from me are now making me believe there are more. I haven't quit figured out what I was supposed to feel or how, I knew I was going to have to accept the truth sometime , secrets like these weren't easy to take in but I was still trying my hardest, there are these what if scenarios were running in my head and it was for sure affecting​ my train of thought.

Later on that day after I've spent basically forty eight hours in my room thinking of the events that happened I had stayed by myself, kept to myself and basically sat on the edge of the bed and Shane who was tired of seeing me in my state had decided to take me out on our official date as mates to take my mind off of my mind basically , if that even made any sense but whatever. Shane hasn't told me where we were going but he informed me to wear something comfortable and warm.

Shane had informed to wear something comfortable so I dressed up comfortable and by comfortable in my vocabulary words means leggings and sweatshirts and messy bun, I walked to the kitchen in my outfit which I'm very proud of but when I reached the kitchen Sally was there along with Maya who both haven't noticed me but the moment I stepped in the kitchen they instantly begin talking

"so did you dress up ni-"

Sally didn't finished her sentence because the moment she turned around she looked me up and down then my hair

"what​ are you wearing ?"

"Clothes? What else plastic bags?"

Maya laughed and Sally looked at her which instantly made her shut her mouth

"No Beth, this is your first date with Shane and​ you are wearing that?"

I looked at myself and mentally approved


Adding a little pop to the p,

"Uh nope"

She says basically mimicking me,

"Well Shane did say to wear comfortable clothes , be glad I didn't wear sweat pants which were basically calling out to me"

She rolls her eyes and was about to say something but Maya had beat her

"That's Bethany for you"

This time Sally looked at her fully ,

"Uh excuse me you're my mate you are suppose to be on my side"

She crossed her arms,

"I mean babe it's their date let them be"

They are honestly the cutest couple ever

"Fine "

She turns back around and was about to say something but to knock had interrupted her

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