Chapter | 46 | edited

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Bethany -
A heavy weight was draped around my waist. A soft snoring next to me that belonged to my adorable mate. I had waken up a few minutes ago but still refused to open my eyes for I knew that there would an enormous amount of sun light that would blind me. When I got used to the light I turned to my side and wrapped my legs and arms around my mate. He stirs and pulled me closer.

"mhm morning baby girl "

He placed his head in the crook of my neck and inhaled my scent. Then began kissing it. I combed my fingers through his hair.

"babe as much I want to stay here in bed with you. We've got things to do"

And he was right. Liam still needed to talk to us about Marks plan. There just so many things to do and it seems like time was limited.

"well I'm going​ to take a shower then "

I go up and pulled his arms towards the shower, his messy bed hair and toned body showing. The memories of last night came and I couldn't help but let a smile appear on my face.

"why are you pulling me?"

He asked as I hauled him to shower.

"babe you don't really think I'd take a shower without you?"

His smile widen and hurriedly went in the shower, him next to me as the water poured on us. He cage me in his arms and started kissing me.

"round two it is"

He smirks and shower became more exciting and pleasurable.

After Shane and I 's little adventure we all piled up in the office to discuss some situations. My father and Thea had stayed here as well.

The office was filled with people .

Sally, her parents, Maya , my parents and aunt , as well as Grandma.

"We have to add some more guards just in case Mark tried to do something "

Shane's dad suggested​. They went on , planning to make this pack safer . I stayed quite while Shane and everyone else talked over one​ another. Without so much of a care I snuck out before anyone could noticed. Or so I thought. I exited the room but felt Thea behind me.

"Can I talk to you ? "

She asked walking side by side with me. I haven't got the proper time to talk to her , nor to my father. Maybe part of me actually was trying to avoid this matter but I knew soon or later I was gonna have to face them.

So Thea and I decided to talk outside , near the water fall. We sat down facing the rapid water.

"I know you still have a lot of questions"

Facing me with her bright round brown eyes. Searching for something .
This was our talk, sister to sister . Yet I felt so distanced from her . I knew nothing of her. Her favorite color , food , anything, but I knew nothing.

"I want to get to know you "

I whisper .

"But it seems that isn't going to happen anytime soon"

"Yes with so much going on. I want to get to know you as well but you have a duty to fulfill and as a sister I am here to support you. There will be a day , soon, that you will have to choose . A decision that not only affect you but everyone and everything "

We were quite for a few seconds.

"Why me ?"

I asked more to myself .

"Because Bethany , you are special , you've been through so much it's unbelievable, no one like you has ever survived that amount of pain. That amount of heart break and I envy your strength but still proud . Let me tell you something. When we all got separated father spend his time as a king then a father but still he love and care for me, he watched over you and our mother , by taking care of his family and his kingdom he didn't have the time to grieve . Yes he looked over you and Mom but he couldn't hold his mate and his daughter for years , I couldn't hold my mother , and couldn't share my secrets with my sister. We all lost so much but you , you lost more then us combined and look at you your still standing ."

She took my hands in hers as I felt the connection between sisters danced within us.

"Promise me sister , when there is a time where you have the toughest decision you'll ever make , please choose it by what your heart tells you"

There was a hidden meaning to her words.

"You are a prophecy, a leader , a Luna , a sister and a daughter , you are so many but do no forget who you truly are. Do not forget your name , and lose yourself . Always remember that above all of who your are , do not forget your name Amaya"

She stood up and walked away, I watch her figure disappear within the forest. I played her words inside me. Played the name that I longed to forget . But deep down I know what she meant . Even from the changes I made inside and out there was always gonna to be one of me , the real me. The one who started my story and will end it with the same person.

I stood up and​ walked back to the pack house . The moment I noticed Aden with Elizabeth. They were laughing and talking. A sister and brother. Separated by birth for years but somehow bonded in a day . I was about to walk away making sure I don't interrupt their bonding moment but Aden had spotted me. They walked towards me and I noticed the atmosphere with Elizabeth had changed. For the first time the sadness she surounded her self was replaced by love and completions.

"Thank you Bethany for rescuing my​ brother and connecting us both"

She placed her arms around me , without little time I placed my own around hers and Aden's . I let out a sigh . Happy.

When they walked away I looked at the pack house . And thought to myself.

I survived. I have a mate who will love me with his being , a family to complete me , a father who will actually be there for me. A sister who will share my secrets , mother who will teach me and friends who will aid me and a pack who will call me their Luna.

I am many .

A Luna ,

An Alpha ,

A daughter,

A friend

A sister

A mate .

A prophecy

But above all I am Amaya Wilson , the girl who and stood through the bullies, survived through heartache, who led a group of gangs and now pack of werewolf.

For ones I was sure . I was sure of what life has become . I was sure that finally I was getting my happy ending . Even for a short time .

What do you guys think she'll do ??

And thoughts on Thea.

1150 words counted.

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