Chapter | 34 | edited

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In life some things will to piece, others fall together, there will be a time or times in life where you'd feel as if you've given up, given up in everything , laughing along with the people closest to you, creating conversations that could potentially open up you're mind, finding happiness from scraps, finding new people to care about and creating new memories, even finding love. You'd feel yourself saying "i'm tired" not just physically tired but emotionally, tired of being alone, tired of finding something new only to have it dirtied, finding something to hope on only resulting with nothing, tire of dealing with the pain that always seem to grow every time you took a breath, but our hearts can only bear so much that it consumes us all together.

Years ago I thought the one person who made me suffered​ the most, who made me a monster was gone, I thought that he finally got what he deserved, yes I was disappointed that I didn't get my revenge that I was promised, that I wanted, yes a fatale accident caught up to his karma, deep down I was a bit satisfied that he was gone. After everything that I've been through I cane out barely alive , barely in one piece and barely standing, that's how I survived , that's how I had planned on surviving, bit bonding with anyone, creating some sort of attachments to anyone I come across but things and people tend to interact with me, people like Shane,Sally and so on.

The man who destroyed my life, standing in front of me with smirk plastered on his face , "How ?" I ask more to myself ,

"well my beautiful fire , that accident was fake , set just for you with my brothers help of course , I'm well aware that you've had some history with him, considering you shared moments with him"

I looked at him confused , all my life I've never known he has a brother, he had told me before that all his relatives were all dead , who would that brother be?,

"I'm thinking you're wondering who my brother is? Well don't worry you'll meet him again, brother please come and show yourself " he kept his eyes on me , and so did I , but as his so called brother came out my eyes averted to him and I sucked in a breath,never thought would I see him again in my life, the one person who took turn in torturing me, "Liam".

The two people who took turn playing with my emotions, finding enjoyment in my pain was both standing in front of me , in front of my pack, my new family. I felt Shane's presence next to me, I couldn't take my eyes off of them, I wanted them to be nothing but dead. Shane's hand took my as he gave it a squeeze, assuring that he was there by my side, this time I had the will to lift my eyes and turn it to him , to his eyes that opened for me too see his emotions. I was and is glad that his there but I didn't want him to see me as a monster for what I wanted and craved to do to both of the monsters.

The rogues had longed gone and I had no clue how long we had stood outside, i wanted both of them gone , my fist balled and fire engulfed my hand, I was ready to throw as much fire as I could to both, burning them alive but I was stopped, stopped by the one person I wasn't expected

" Elena? "

She looked in my eyes and the images I saw , the things that I know well of

"Alex's you're mate"

She nodded slowly , I look at Alex , I can't kill someone's mate. Not even if he did wrong , but I couldn't also let him go free ,

"Please let me talk to him"

I nodded still conflicting what to do, Elena had done nothing wring , but losing a mate can drive someone to insanity. Elena walked slowly towards Alex and by the way he looked at her , I can tell that realization had struck him , although I had many questions on how Liam and Alex come to know the existence of the supernatural world my focus was getting my revenge.

Liam was the beginning of my pain but Alex was the one who intensified it , he took everything from me , and I want him to do more then suffer , but Alex's Elena's mate I can't take that away from her. Elena stopped walking towards Liam about five feet away "my my, look brother I've found my mate" liam chuckled and looked at his brother as he too chuckle, by way Elena's body tensed it could only be identified as a piece of her heart fell.

"I don't know the story between out and Bethany-"

Alex cut her off with a comment and a chuckle

"Oh is that what shed going by now?"

But Elena ignored him,

"But I know what you did to Bethany had caused her pain, who's to say you won't cause me pain, I can't have a mate who would rather give pain then love. All my life I want a loving mate but you, aren't the one"

I knew exactly where his was going, rejecting a mate goes beyond the Moon goddess's rule, it could get he in an ice , but this was her choice ,

"I can't have a mate that would never look at me with love , I know the moon goddess would punish me for this , but I Elena Brad Elizabeth reject my chosen mate without a second chance"

Alex stepped back , as if the rejection had kicked him hard enough , he clutched his chest and looked pained but so did Elena, Maya walked towards her and brought her away before she could take Elena away she looked at me, in my eyes , through my soul.

"I'm sorry for what he did , but I can't have running around free Kill him if you must"

I looked and Elena , through her eyes I saw pain, pain that was given by the same person who had given my pain as well and I will revenge one way or another and this time he will not walk away.

"With pleasure "

HEY HEY sorry I haven't updated in forever with the finales COMMING up and prom for me, I have lots to do all because I have my others books that I seemed to be focused on more (sorry bout that" but here I'd a chapter done and I will try to update again tomorrow. Enjoyyyyyyy.

Word counted-1111

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