Chapter | 33 | edited​

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Bethany -
To describe this situation in one word, awkwardness would be with winner. We all were standing, waiting , waiting for my mother , my aunt, waiting for the truth and secrets.

The former Alpha and Luna held one another , Luna Alicia was holding his hand huddle together , whispering words through eyes that only they could understood. Maya and Sally held each other and talked among one another so ignorant and lost to their own little world. As for Shane who had me captured in the warm of his body and love in his arms. I snuggled more in his arms as we waited for my mother and aunt.

Soon or later mother had  finally appeared with my aunt. Mother sat down right in front of us my aunt copying her as they sigh and looked at one another, although I was ready for the truth there was one specific person who I wanted the truth from as well and in that moment that I wished for her, a voice was heard from our backs , we all turned around and saw Amaris standing there.

The truth within them was peculiar and I wanted the truth more then anyone in this room. 

And so it has begun, the truth that was tucked away from me for so long was about to be revealed. 

Or so I thought , the door to the office was suddenly opened by one of the pack member, who had nothing in his eyes but fear, I sniffed the air and smelt a foul oder as so did everyone, in sync we all looked at one another and instantly knew what and where the Oder had belonged to, Rogues.

In instant like suddenly a plague has made it's home in the office itself we ran outside , seeing everyone running for the shelter, well at least those who couldn't fight ,

"Everyone who cant fight get to a safety now!"

I commanded , Shane was beside me as he grabbed my hand and intertwined it, I looked at him,

"please stay safe my mate I do not want to lose you"

I nodded and kissed him then ran for the battle field. 

Rogues , so many of them making the air pervaded with a foul scent that I can't even stand, but I fought through, I searched for anyone who couldn't fight only then to have my eyes land on a little girl , her blond hair in a messy pony tail , crying for her safety only to be met with no one. I ran for her determined to save the little girl's life  at the same time a brown muddy covered in blood rogue was going for the same little girl,  I tackled that rogue and snapped his head making fall to the ground lifeless then I picked up the little girl and ran towards the shelter where I was met by several of the pack members, I sat the little girl down and a women came bearing down crying and capturing the little girl in her arms , kissing her forehead

"Lilly , oh god your safe, I was searching for you, thank you , thank you"

she looked at me , in my eyes I saw her gratitude

"thank you Luna"

I nodded

"everyone please stay safe, are there anyone else missing? "

I asked but none was replied , after checking them for any wounded or lost I headed back to the direction of the battle, rogue bodies scattered everyone, lucky enough none of our pack members were there, I searched the field and saw Luna Alicia , and the Alpha fighting against three rogues , they were so engrossed in fighting one of each that they didn't see the third advancing behind them, quickly I ran for the third rogues and tackled him making the Luna and Alpha turn their heads , they nodded after I ripped the rogues heart out and tossed it aside,

what a surprise the rogues actually have hearts.

As we fought and fought the rogues more and more seemed to appear, advancing at us, we couldn't fight them off with just hands or teeth so I used one of the the only thing that I've hidden from so long, locked away afraid of hurting someone if I were to use it once again. I reached inside and pulled that trigger making my body engulfed in flames, my eyes turned from a shade of brown to a shade of fire.  The rogues head turned towards me and so did everyone else , the feeling of being so powerful so superior was overwhelming, I looked around the rogues as they seem to cower in fear, whimpering away , it seemed like I wasn't me, that someone had taken control of my body, that's when I began to shift only then did I feel Amaris in my head , connected to me


I hear her chuckled , my attention averted back to the rogues who seemed to be retreating more and more

"There are no room for cowards"

I yelled

" you attached my pack, my family my children and think you filthy vile rogues could walk away in a battle of blood that you've all created, and think that you could killed one of my children, one of my family and walk away alive, think again my beloved rogues, you will all suffer"

with that the treating wolf was met a fire that consumed them leaving them burned to ashes. 

A few of the rogues had escaped but some still remained planted in their own spot , building a wall like as they face me, I was covered in blood and scent of burnt. I looked at the remaining rogues ready to burn them alive as well , but cut short by a clapping , my attention averted behind them, a man's back facing me, he turns around and my world froze as the man before stood with smile plastered on his face and anger building up within me and the blood I've wanted for years to cover me. 

"Alexander" . 

Dun dun  , bet y'all didn't see that COMMING ????
Anyways this book is at its ending , a few more chapter left , but don't worry I will write more books for y'all to read.

I also wanna thank y'all for showing love to the first book like damn I didn't know that much love can be shownBut really thank you guysSo wait for the next chapter. Enjoy xoxo- from your Asian author.

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