Chapter | 53 | edited

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In the eyes of many. The luna cried for her fallen mate, her love, her everything, her life, she cried her heart out as it splits into two, her enemies with a wicked smile upon his face. But then everything stops the Rogues, the pack members look up on to see a bright light emitting from the Luna herself. They were all in awe as if an angel was upon them. And in that very moment everyone knew that everything had happened that was told in the prophecy itself. They look up to see the three moons align.

The red, the white ,the blue all combined in one color turning the moon into the eyes the resemblance the color of the eyes of their Luna.
The true form, her true self and everything unfold as the Luna looks upon her enemy with her burning eyes filled with hatred, to sorrow, to the pain but most of all filled with anger. Her eyes shining in a bright color of gold like the moon itself.

In the realm of Moon goddess. She looks down to the battle happening beneath her. Her granddaughter filled with so much anger and pain, she knew that the prophecy has been fulfilled now at last the final piece come together as she rise from the ashes.

From ashes , from pain, from sorrow, from Anger, from Love the daughter of the prophecy has finally arrived as she reign with power.

With one last cry the daughter of the prophecy burns with revenge, destroying each and every one of the Rogue. Like a rabid wolf she destroyed them all. Covering herself with blood of enemies. And at last she stops to her final last piece the man who took her mate, her love, her happiness her life her everything with the cry she rose from above and lights follow her, the light burning through her enemy leaving him in ashes.

She descend back on the ground and silent tears fall on her pale dead mate. The sun rising and the wolves howling for their fallen alpha and their broken Luna.

In the corner the Luna's aunt touches her shoulder and she knew it was her turn to sacrifice. This was her reason for the visit from the moon goddess, her sisters mother in law, this was the sacrifice she was to do. And the witch knew it was time. The witch whispers to her niece and hope seemed to fall into the Luna's eyes.

The witch kneels beside her nieces mate and whispers ancient languages. And soon the pack howls, but not for the lost of their alpha.


I thought everything was gone. I though that ones again my happiness was a strip away from me.

I felt the power when he slipped away from the bond. And those power helped for what I had done.

Destroyed my enemies. When I had seen Marks true form a beast, my heart wanted nothing more then to have my revenge. I felt the light emitting from my body. And weird is that I saw my true form. I felt Amaris bonded with me more then ever. I saw everything through her eyes as we were one. The lost of our mate had triggered that. I saw our eyes change to its true form.


And I felt the moons combined as one.

When I had finished destroying everyone of my enemies I had fallen down next to my dead mate, my life felt so empty, such void and lonliness. And I thought all was lost. That is until my aunts warmth went through my body. She whispered soft words and hopeful phrases .

She knelt down besides my dead mate and whispers words that gave me little hopes. The moment she finished everything felt alright .

My mate gasp for air as he looked around and my world lighten up .


He whispers and I cry, not for the lost but for my mate coming back to me.

"Oh god I though I had lost you"

My arms wrapped around my ones again alive mate and everyone howls for their alpha.

"I told you you still owe me kids"

I laugh with happiness and held on tight to my mate. Happiness ones again came back to my life.

But my mates life for another .

My aunts.


We spent the rest of the morning cleaning up and preparing a ceremony for the fallen. A thanks to their services to the pack. There were many injured.

I was reunited with my father and mother. We all had piled up in the office to go through what had happened. As of right now my mother explains my aunts decision.

"This was supposed to happen. Your aunt was visited by mother , the moon goddess"

As the mention of her name the moon goddess appears before us.

"Yes , you see Ana will be holding my place as the moon goddess. "

Gasp erupted from everyone excluding my mother. My aunt appears before us in a white dress and I run up to her with open arms.

"I thought I had lost you "

I cry in her arms as she rubs my back.

"Heck no, I chose this , I couldn't let my niece suffer anymore and always remember I will always be watching over you and ones my training as the next moon goddess I will come down and visit you"

My heart was swelling with happiness.

"But what would happen to you ?"

I ask my grandma.

"Well I'll become human and rest my few remaining life on earth"

I knew everything was going to be alright.

I returned to my mate and his warmth invade me .


That remaining day we spent preparing for the ceremony. We gathered around and watch the fire consume the fallen.

Cries were heard and lives were lost.

But we held on to victory .

Everything was going to be fine . Although there were loss. We all knew what the war outcome would be. We all knew the pain it would bring.

And finally the prophecy was fulfilled .


Bet y'all didn't see that coming. I'm not that evil for our main character to suffer duh. But anyways this book is finished and I had an amazing time writing it. That k you all for staying with me. It took time but finally we got it finished. Don't worry there will be an epilogue .


1068 words counted.

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