Chapter Four: The Nurse - The Little Girl

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The Nurse - The Little Girl

Russia 1919 – 1944

On a visit to Russia in 1919, an English man named Arthur Bowman fell in love with Anna Alkaev's beauty and grace, not knowing that they hid a terrible insanity which ran in her family. Once he learnt the truth it was too late.

He was in love, and would die for her.

Anna's parents had died, leaving her alone. She had no siblings, no money, no prospects. She had been in need of a knight, and one came along and won her heart.

Arthur married Anna, and stayed to live and work in Russia. He obtained a job teaching languages - mainly English - at the local academy whilst she, well...she was too delicate to work. Anna had been brought up in a well-educated rich family, and had forgotten many things - but not that she was once able to afford luxuries. Arthur was not rich, but thanks to a small inheritance, they were not poor either. They got by, and could afford a few more luxuries than most could.

When they had been married for four years, Anna fell pregnant. The baby was not planned and the pregnancy nearly killed her. When Arthur was asked to consider who should die, the mother or the child there was no hesitancy in his answer. The mother must live.

Fortunately that call did not have to be made, and on the 10th of March 1920 they had a little baby girl. Both mother and daughter survived, but it was the start of a terrible depression for Anna, one she never got over.

One that she always blamed on the baby girl.

There would be no more children.

For the first few years, Arthur was able to afford a part time nanny - but this did not continue. He could not find one that was willing to put up with Anna's dark moods and in the end they were left to look after their child themselves.


When she is five years old, the little girl begins to realise her mother is not like the other childrens'. Her mother is delicate, both in mind and body, and her husband worships her.

The little girl is taught how to look after herself. Her father tries to do as much as he can, and on days when her mother is well it is almost like being part of a family - almost.

Her mother is prone to fits of unreality.

One really cold day in winter, her mother takes her into the town; she wants a new outfit for her daughter. The little girl stands shyly in the tailors whilst her mother looks over the dresses she is being shown, but none will do.

"They are all to heavy," her mother sighs as the shop keeper brings a new rail of children's dresses through to the main part of the shop for her to look at. He has a supply kept in the back for the clientèle that can afford that little extra. Anna has taken the family's food money, but does not realise it - at the moment her mind is elsewhere in time.

"Let me see that one," she says, pointing to a beautiful summer dress.

"Sorry, Madame, I did not realise you were looking for one for the summer." The shop keeper apologises and, without any delay, the little girl is despatched into the dressing room with the female shop assistant to be changed into the dress.

When she comes out, her mother exclaims at how beautiful she looks and says she will take the dress. The shop assistant goes to usher the little girl into the back to change, but Anna stops her. "She will wear it now."

"But...the weather, it is far to cold!" the shop assistant tries to argue, but Anna will not hear of it. She bundles together her daughter's old dress and coat and gives it to the assistant, telling her to get rid of them. She pays and walks out holding the little girl's hand.

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