Chapter Twenty-Three: The Patient & The Nurse - Needed

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The Patient & The Nurse - Needed

He watches her whilst she sleeps. He doesn't know why she now shares his room, shares his bed, but he is just glad she is there. It makes everything else easier to cope with. He is beginning to understand things, but he still has no memory of before.

"Wake her up."

He looks behind him, searching for the other voice. There is no one there. There never is. The voice is always in his mind.

He watches the rise and fall of her chest, the way her hair curls around on the pillow. He knows its softness from when he has snuggled up to her at night, which is the closest he has come to touching her. When he needs her she will take him in her arms and hold him. She is there when he has terrible nightmares which leave him drenched in sweat. Now he needs her, but this time he needs more than just the comfort of her arms.

He moans softly and tries not to think about the longing in his blood, the hardness between his legs, the aching of his balls. He doesn't want to hurt her, doesn't know how to ask her to help him. He remembers her mouth, and again he closes his eyes. How does he remember that? Where from?

"Wake her up, she won't mind. She's here for us. She belongs to us." The voice again. It lulls him into thinking about doing things he wouldn't normally do, and he reaches out to touch her shoulder.

Then his hand hesitates, inches away. He looks at her soft body again, and shakes her gently awake. He sits back. He doesn't want to crowd her and is now even thinking he has made a mistake as he watches her eyes open, blinking as she tries to wake herself up.

The voice has gone now. He is alone.

"What is it? Whats wrong?" She leans towards him, taking his hand, and he looks away, down at the covers. She moves to put the light on.

"No don't," he says quickly. There is enough light in the room and he doesn't want the harshness to drive away the warmth and closeness of her.

"Are you all right?" she asks quietly. She knows she is talking to the first personality, the gentle one, the one who never asks anything of her - but she can see his need in his eyes when he looks at her.

She sits up allowing the bed clothes to fall to her lap, and he can see the outline of her nipples against the fabric of her nightgown. He blushes. She sees where he was looking, and the quickness at which he looks away. He bites his lip, doesn't look at her. She moves closer. He can smell her, the soap she used in the shower, and her own special smell. She takes hold of his chin and turns him to look at her and smiles at him. Her eyes tell him she is there for him, for anything he needs, anything he wants.

"Why did you wake me?" she asks, her hands now in her lap, and she waits for him to speak.

"I..." he can't say it, he can't ask her. He tries to turn away, embarrassed, worried that she will be angry with him, he doesn't know what to say now she is awake.

She rests her hand on his arm and he turns back to her, making eye contact, wanting to reach out and touch her. Her other hand rests on top of the covers just above him and she can feel his solid need for her through the material. She knows she has to make the first move.

Her hand goes beneath the covers and gently touches him between the legs. He is naked.

He closes his eyes.

"I need you," he admits as he feels her hand take him, feels her fingers wrap around his cock, feels her stroking him, and he bites his lip again.

They sit quietly whilst she strokes him, and then she moves so she can look at him. Her hand comes away and she pushes the hair from his face. He looks at her, his eyes wide and trusting, and she bends and kisses him, feeling him respond. He takes her hand and places it back on his cock, encouraging her to move up and down, and she starts to rub again. He moans into her mouth and then when the kiss has finished he pulls away.

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