Chapter Ninety-One: Freya, Steve and Bucky - The Truth

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Freya, Steve and Bucky - The Truth

Steve is serious. "I think we hurt her Buck."

"No we didn't. She would have said something." Bucky doesn't understand why Steve is so adamant; this is the third time he has said this. "You're just feeling...well..." he shrugs but Steve isn't going to let him off this lightly. He knows that expression.

"I didn't realise but she was bleeding."

Bucky groans."Steve, women have things called periods..."

"I know, I'm not that naive," but Steve blushes. "Why didn't she stay afterwards?"

" do we know she didn't? We were both out of it, you admitted that yourself."

Steve looks at Bucky, and he has this terrible sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach that something is not right. "Why'd you bring that wine?" he asks.

Bucky glances up frowning."I didn' did," he says.

Steve shakes his head. "What? You brought it with you. I don't even know where you got it from."

Bucky's head is hurting. He didn't bring the wine, he knows he didn't, so why is Steve saying he did? He had assumed Steve had gotten it to help Freya relax. Perhaps Steve is too embarrassed to admit it? Or maybe it was a gift from Tony? Anyway why does it matter who brought it along?

Steve is quiet and Bucky goes back to the magazine he is reading.

"I still think we hurt her," Steve says eventually.

"Okay, okay, fine!" Bucky jumps up. "I'll go and ask her. Will that get you off my back? " He is angry, he doesn't know why, and Steve is taken back as Bucky storms off. He considers chasing after him but doesn't - if they did hurt Freya he feels she wouldn't admit it with him there.

Bucky is back two minutes later. Throwing himself down on the sofa, he picks up his magazine. "She isn't there or she's still asleep. I knocked she didn't answer and if she was there she would have, okay? Satisfied now?" he says before going back to what he had been reading.

He won't admit it but Steve has him worried. There are parts of last night he cannot fully remember and it is starting to scare him. When he tries to think the pain starts as if something or someone is trying to stop him and then the thought is lost.

Steve looks at him for a moment, then stands and grabs his jacket. "I need some fresh air." He is ready to say no if Bucky asks if he wants company but he doesn't. Bucky just stays reading the magazine. This is their first row since Bucky came back. Steve doubts it will be their last.

Bucky doesn't see Freya until that evening and even then it is so brief that he doesn't get the chance to ask her if she is all right. She has just come back from going out. He can't help but wonder where she went but he doesn't ask. Instead he asks her if she has a few minutes but she doesn't even look at him.

"No, I'm really tired Buck. I'm going to bed...g'night," and before he has a chance to say anything else she has gone into her room and he hears her lock the door. He lifts his hand to knock but then hesitates. She did look tired, with black shadows under her eyes. Best to let her rest.

On the way back to his room he realises she called him Buck and he can't help but smile. "She called me Buck," he murmurs to himself and then he gets a funny feeling in his chest. He isn't sure if he likes it; she always calls him James, it creates a bond between them. He runs his hand through his hair. Maybe an early night will do him good. A shower first and then sleep. Sounds like a plan.

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