Chapter Seventy-One: The Winter Soldier & The Constant - The Broken Promise

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The Winter Soldier & The Constant - The Broken Promise

You are both due to go back into cryo tomorrow. The Soldier's mission is over, mission report has been filed and he has just come back to you – you are both getting ready to sleep.

Outside their door, Rumlow hesitates. There are people who would barge in, and there are people who would knock.

He knocks.

He is considerate but it doesn't mean that he is a nice person. The two things don't always go hand in hand.

The door is opened by the woman.

"We need the Soldier," says Rumlow. You look behind him, recognising one of the STRIKE force with him. Rollins, you think his name is.

It's no good refusing or closing the door and so you open it wider to allow them in.

He is sat on the sofa and by the looks of it they have just finished eating. When the Soldier sees it is Rumlow, he stands up. He is in combat trousers, tee shirt, his feet bare and they can tell he has recently showered, removed the dirt from todays mission. He has already had the memories removed.

"You are to come with us. You have another job to do," Rumlow says, and the Winter Soldier nods. He would never dream of not obeying.

"Is there a problem?" you ask, but Rumlow just looks at you. He will not answer your questions you should know that by now. You wonder why it is him and Rollins and not the Winter Soldier's own team.

The Winter Soldier puts on his socks and boots and grabs his jacket to follow.


The car is quiet. Rollins drives with Rumlow next to him whilst the Winter Soldier sits in the back. This is a mission he has not been properly programmed for. Rumlow has been in on the programming before today and knows what is usually involved. He has already argued with one of the programmers tonight about the nature of the programming for this mission. The programmer tried to explain that certain conditions should be met before using the words but Rumlow is under orders. He has already run through the trigger words to make the Winter Soldier ready to comply. We don't need extensive programming for such a small inconsequential mission like this. Pierce's words. Neither do we need his team. I want to keep this just between ourselves.

Rumlow has his misgivings, but will obey orders. This is the first time he has been out on his own with the Winter Soldier and he is a bit hesitant, a bit uneasy.

Rumlow gives him his orders and asks him if he understands and he nods. He is given a gun fitted with a silencer instead of one he would normally use; the gun will disappear after this.

The Winter Soldier and Rumlow leave the car. It is night and the area is dark and quiet and they make their way to the apartments. The one they are after is on the ground floor. Rumlow has been given a key and he lets them in, both are silent. Although it is late, their target is still awake and appears to be in the sitting room – the lights are on.

Rumlow signals the way and the Winter Soldier nods and follows. Neither make any sound. They round the corner and come into the main room. She is sat at a table doing paperwork and she starts as she sees the two men come towards her.

She knows both the Winter Soldier and Rumlow and for a moment she is more confused than frightened to see them. Rumlow steps forward, hands in an open gesture whilst the Winter Soldier circles behind her. She cannot watch them both at the same time and her smile slowly falters.

"I'm sorry, Maggie," Rumlow says. It's all he can think of saying.

She tries to stand but the Winter Soldier places his hand on her shoulder to stop her. She looks up, behind her, into his face. His eyes are blank, his features expressionless.

Captain America Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier Steve Rogers Fan Fic - The ConstantWhere stories live. Discover now