Chapter Thirty-Four: The Constant & Winter Soldier - Branded

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The Constant & Winter Soldier – Branded

Authors Note: For image see  

It is a totally normal day for you. The Winter Soldier has been brought out for training and you are trying to find things to keep you occupied in the meantime. Using one of the only two keys, you unlock the store room cupboard. There are several of these rooms you have to keep stocked, but this one relates to the Winter Soldier and contains everything needed from tee-shirts to knives. Looking around it now, you feel people would be surprised to know how mundane some of the supplies are.

You are working on the inventory check when the door opens and closes. You turn, expecting to see maybe Stefan, but instead it is one of the new guards. You don't like this man. He is always hanging around, always trying to talk to you. He is one of those people who invades people's personal space.

You don't say anything, just finish your task and go to move past him to leave - but he steps and blocks the doorway.

He is new. They have warned him to stay away from this woman, but he thinks he knows better. He has listened to the other guards; this woman is a challenge they are too frightened to take on. Tonight he is determined he will be able to boast a conquest.

Wrong. Tonight he will be dead.

"Excuse me please," you say and reach around to get the handle but he stays your hand and you snatch it away.

"Don't be like that," he says and moves closer. He is smiling and touches your arm.

Your heart begins to race. You can smell his bad breath as he leans in towards you as if to tell you a secret.

"Come on. I'm sure by now you are missing a man. A proper man that is." His hand reaches out and touches your breast and you slap it away and then slap his face.

"Get out. Now!" you hiss but he just laughs.

This stupid man has never seen the Winter Soldier in action. Has never seen him in a rage. He doesn't realise how near he is to being wiped off the face of the earth.

"You think I'm afraid of your boyfriend?" he sneers.

"You should be," you say, and you try once again to move past him but he grabs you around the waist, swinging you as he does. You drop your papers and struggle against him, but he is pressing his whole disgusting body into yours and is trying to force his tongue into your mouth.

You do the first thing your body and mind tells you to and knee him in the balls - hard, and you put all your strength behind it. You hear the air expel from his lungs as he falls to his knees and you manage to get the door open, but he is quick and grabs at the bottom of your skirt, then your ankle.

You have the door open and you are one step outside but his hand stops you. You are frightened, if he pulls you back in, he will hurt you and your chance for escape will be gone.

"Please help! Anyone! Help!" you scream just as the guard regains his breath and pulls you back inside, straight onto the ground. The door swings closed and you feel panic surround you.

"No! No! Let go, no..." He is on top of you. He punches you hard in the head. He yanks open the first three buttons and tears your blouse. For a moment you think you are going to black out and he takes that opportunity to reach for his zip.

"No..." Your lip is bleeding, and you are the one who is winded now. "No..."

But before he can go any further you hear the door open, and someone takes hold of the guard from behind and pulls him backwards and out of the store room. Another guard comes in and sees it is you and swears. He helps you up. As you leave the room, the other guards are trying to talk sense to the guard who tried to rape you.

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