Chapter Fifty: Winter Soldier & The Constant: Still Vulnerable - Still Steve's

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Winter Soldier & The Constant: Still Vulnerable - Still Steve's

You are used to seeing coldness and contempt for you when he comes back from programming, but it can still hurt even after all this time. After the programming he never seems to know the real you. That comes when he begins to remember, and that hasn't started yet.

But today he is different.

You were in the corridor when he was brought back and you saw him lurch against the walls, the guards standing by giving him time, blood dribbling from his nose, more disorientated than he has been for a long time. You told the girl delivering your evening meal to put the soup and bread on the table whilst you went and helped him stand properly – something he would not normally allow you to do.

You nod to the guards and they know they can leave you to deal with him. They will remain in the vicinity for six hours to make sure his programming has taken effect.

You take him over to sit at the table and then fetch a cloth to wipe his face. His eyes are clouded, his thoughts turned inward. You wonder if for some reason there has been a problem they don't know about with the programming.

"Are you okay?" you ask softly, expecting him to sneer at you or ignore you completely - but instead he looks at you, his eyes full of mental anguish and he shakes his head but you know he is lying. He is not all right at all.

You know he will have a bad head courtesy of both cryo and programming so you give him pain killers and some water to take them with. You have just taken some yourself as you are not fully over cryo yet, your head aches and your muscles feel stiff.

You intend to get him to eat some soup and bread and then he will fall into bed and sleep for hours but as you go to sit down yourself he grabs your wrist and pulls you forward, bending your wrist so you are forced to kneel in front of him. There is no hatred in his eyes just need. He is sitting to the side and he pushes the table back a bit, soup spilling on the table top.

Oh God, you think, not now, please not now.

He still has hold of your wrist and with his other hand he undoes his zip and moves slightly so he can ease his flies open. His erection is hard, solid, hot, and you swallow.

He pulls you forward and you know you don't have a choice. But there is still no anger there; you look up at him and he is watching you, watching your mouth, and you can see the tiredness in his eyes, a vein pulsing at his temple.

"Please," he says quietly using his other hand to bend your head to him so you can take his cock in your mouth and he can feel the warmth, wetness and comfort of your mouth.

The musky taste fills your senses and you hear him groan. He has closed his eyes and his hand releases your wrist and instead rests on your shoulder. You don't think it is going to take much to make him come; usually he likes to feel you take him in inch by inch running your tongue over him but today it is different. He pushes himself all the way in and instead of waiting for you, he starts to fuck your mouth and you have a moment of panic that you are going to choke but his hand on the back of your head offers no freedom and even the hand on your shoulder has you in to firm a grip to move back.

It takes only five or six thrusts before you feel the jerk of his body and feel the liquid hit the back of your throat and you swallow so you don't choke. His hands hold you in place until his hips have stopped thrusting and then he lets you go.

You would expect him to push you away but he doesn't and you look up at him and instead he has his eyes closed and his hands clenched. Then slowly his hands unclench and his eyes open and he looks at you and there is the faintest smile on his lips but he is so tired.

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