Chapter Nineteen: The Nurse & James Barnes - The Final Wall Crumbles

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(Warning: Severe medical trauma & severe physical and mental torture  in this chapter)

The Nurse & James Barnes - The Final Wall Crumbles

Later, back in his room, his eyes don't leave you. Reminding you of your promise. Your mind is in turmoil. You don't want to think about it but you must.

How do you kill someone whose body repairs itself at the rate his does? Poison? Slit throat? Awful images fill your mind, and you feel faint. Stefan thinks it is because you haven't eaten today and is kind to you, fussing when all you want is to be left alone. He can see you are not yourself, and when he sees James watching you and the ghastly pallor of your face, he begins to suspect something. He asks you what James said but you just shake your head.

"Nothing," you say, your mind churning.

James is so tired that he falls asleep. You sit at your desk with your head on your arms. How can you do it? Will Stefan help? No, you cannot ask that of him. If he is caught it will be a death sentence for him. You know whatever you do is a death sentence for you too, but without James you don't want to live.

You wish, and not for the first time, that Doctor Bethune was here. You know he would help; he would know what to do. Awful thoughts and images keep going through your mind as you sit there. It has to be something that will destroy his body completely - or at least his brain - something that even Zola's serum cannot bring him back from. Could you get hold of a gun? Most of the soldiers and guards only carry the batons, which are of no use. You suspect your security authorisations do not allow you any where near the Armoury, even if you knew where it was located.

Before you know it you have fallen asleep, and someone is shaking you awake. It is Doctor Lehmann. You stand up, flustered, knocking the chair over.

"And how is our patient?" he asks. It is a rhetorical question. You don't reply, you are past playing games now. He has come to tell you that your patient and your presence is required in the morning for an operation. You look at him for a moment and then duck your head.

"What time?" you ask quietly.

"Oh, I think an early start. Say 8.30am, in Room 2, I think."

"Room 2? But...but that isn't an operating room. It's the autopsy room," you stutter.

"That is the room we will use, nurse."

"But it's not clean, it's..."

"It will do," he says.

As he goes to leave you can't help but step forward and catch his arm. "What... what are you going to do to him?" you ask, your eyes full of dread.

He looks at your hand and you take it away.

"I have told you all you need to know. Just be on time. And of course, no food for the rest of the day – we don't want him being sick tomorrow, do we?"

"But without more details how will I need to know what is needed for Ja...for the patient?"

He informs you that another nurse will be attending, and that she will know what is needed. "My dear girl, you will be there just as a back-up and to clean up...any mess."

"Please...what are you going to do to him?" Your voice is a whisper.

Lehmann smiles.

"Just a small...operation. We are bringing in someone to do do it. You do not need to know any more than that." But he does add that the man who will be doing the work is arriving tonight. " A specialist in his field."

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