Chapter Sixty-Six: The Winter Soldier & The Constant - The Diner

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The Winter Soldier & The Constant - The Diner

You are frantic but try not to show it as you hurry along the streets. You are hoping to spot him any time now. He was supposed to be at the rendezvous twenty minutes ago but there has been no sign of him. So knowing the route he was to take, you follow it hoping to see him.

Crowds of people block your view but you know that it would take only one glimpse for you to see him. You stop, unsure as to why. You look around and although you cannot see him something jars you.

You slowly do an about turn, knowing that you have missed something and then you see it, hidden away in your subconscious. Over the road is a building made up to look like a railway car diner from the 1940's. You know the Winter Soldier's origins and you saw a similar diner in the newsreel footage of Brooklyn all that time ago. They had interviewed the staff, whom had spoken about both boys coming in usually after art college.

You cross the road. Whilst doing so you think you see him inside and your heart misses a beat: he is all right, he is safe. As you get closer you can see that it is him; he looks like anyone else sat there eating, leather jacket, long hair, and gloved hands. Always gloved in public. Hydra doesn't want anyone to remember the metal.

You take a deep breath and enter.

The smell of frying onions and coffee hits you and you are aware of how hungry you are but it just makes you feel queasy after the scare you have just had.

A waitress is walking over to you but you indicate you are with the gentleman at the back. She seems relieved and you feel if she could, she would tell you rather you than me, honey.

The Winter Soldier has that affect on people.

As you approach the booth he looks up and reaches under the table; but when he sees it is you his whole body relaxes.

You look into his eyes. There is nothing there. You sit down opposite him.

And that is when it dawns on you he has been eating. The dregs of a coffee sit next to an empty plate.

The waitress comes up and before you can say anything he indicates he wants another coffee.

"Same for her," he says and the waitress looks at you. You just nod and try to smile.

You are aware of the time. You are now forty-five minutes late and you have not answered the trilling of the phone in your pocket. You both carry locator devices: if you don't start back soon there is going to be trouble, and the last thing you want is them coming for you both. If they think the Winter Soldier has engineered this himself there will be serious consequences. You can already hear them in your mind giving the order to wipe him.

Where do you start? How do you handle him?

He has sat back against the booth and is looking at you and you have no idea of what is running through that mind of his.

The waitress brings your coffee and you thank her. She tears off the bill and tries to hand it to the Winter Soldier, but he makes no effort to take it so you reach out and again thank her. She leaves, and you are sure she believes you are crazy for being with this man. If only she knew.

You look at the bill and try not to show your surprise. He had ordered a hot dog. You look up at him but there is no help there.

You clear your throat. "So did you enjoy your meal?"

He doesn't say anything; just nods his head once.

"Good, good..." the conversation trails off and you pick up your cup, aware of your hand trembling. He leans over and puts his own over yours as if to stop it. He takes his hand away and you find yours is steady.

Captain America Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier Steve Rogers Fan Fic - The ConstantWhere stories live. Discover now