Chapter Sixty-Three: The Constant & The Winter Soldier - Time Out

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The Constant & The Winter Soldier - Time Out

The car is making a strange clunking noise, and as it slows you pull into an open air car park at the side of the road.

The Winter Soldier looks at you as you turn the engine off.

"Well. That didn't sound good," you say, trying to keep your voice neutral. This has never happened previously. Whenever you have been used as an exit point for the Winter Soldier the vehicles may have looked pre-worn but are always highly maintained and have never broken down before.

"I'll need to call in," you say, reaching for the phone.

He stops you and looks around, so do you. It is a large car park. There are two other cars parked nearby. One car is surrounded by a family, mother and father trying to collect and put all the kids in the car. They look sunburnt; obviously tourists getting in all the sites before they head back to their normal lives.

The other car is old, deserted, and gives no clues as to the owners. A layer of dust indicates it may have been there a while. Abandoned.

There is also a van to one side selling some kind of hot food.

He looks back at you and you have noticed his shoulders have relaxed. There is no danger here.

He takes his hand away and you pick up the phone and climb out of the car. You know he is watching your every move. You stay within a close distance of the car so he can hear you calling in and asking for assistance.

After Felix has tried to get some details from you, he realises it's pointless to ask you what was wrong with the car. His long-suffering tone finally interrupts you.

"Well clunk clunk tells me a lot Freya."

"Well that's the noise it was making at the front," you say defensively.

You finish the call and lean back into the car. "Felix is sending another vehicle but it will take a little while as it's quite a way from us. Needless to say they're not too happy." You would think that as this is to do with the Winter Soldier's safety they would have something closer.

It's no good getting the Winter Soldier to look at the engine and he doesn't even try. He is good with assassinations, bombs and electronics but a mere car repair wasn't called for in his job description and he wouldn't know where to start. Or so you had been told.

You are sure that the man buried deep in him would know what to do. James Barnes would know what to do.

The car park is on a ledge above a glorious view of the city below. It has obviously been designated a tourist spot and picnic benches have been placed here and there.

You get back into the car, but your plan is to get him out of it and over to the view.

"As it's going to be a bit of a wait, we may as well get out and stretch our legs. Act like normal people."

He looks at you and again you can't tell what is going through his mind.

"Not a good idea," he says, holding up his arm. The jacket he has on has no sleeve.

"Take the jacket off, I've got something in the back here." You reach into the back and pull forward a red and black chequered shirt. You always have a change of clothes in case you are stopped with him in the car. You should have made him put them on the minute he met you.

Everything you do is to keep him safe.

"Put this on. With that and your gloves, no one should take any notice."

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