Chapter Sixty-Two: The Constant & The Winter Soldier - Up Close And Personal

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The Constant & The Winter Soldier - Up Close And Personal

You are not supposed to be on a mission with the Winter Soldier.

You are just his exit point.

You ask yourself for the umpteenth time: How did this happen?

The room you are in is opulent, and you can tell there is a lot of money here. The other people you are with know exactly what to do. Some have evidently been here before.

You have not.

You should be in a car parked at least five miles from here, waiting for the mission to be completed. You should be in jeans and a top, not a short skirt that keeps rucking up, a blouse with such a low top you can see your bra, lace underwear, stockings and suspenders...for goodness' sake you gave up wearing those a long time ago! You thought they were out of fashion now!

The men have come into the room and Lisa smiles and winks at you. You tug at your skirt again.

"You'll be okay," Lisa whispers, and you wonder how a fifteen year old could be so confident. She shouldn't be here: she should be with parents who love her, attending school with other children, not trying to earn her next days living.

The men who come in are old - not as old as you, of course, but then you don't look your age. They are corpulent, decadent, and disgusting: they are used to having what they want when they want it, and tonight they intend to have you and the four other prostitutes in the room.

William, the man who brought you all here, knows who is for who and he matches you all up. One wanted a young girl – Lisa is fifteen but looks twelve and who can tell the difference? Two didn't have any preferences - Paula and Michelle – and a third is into boys – Martyn. Call me Marty.

And then there are the two who like to share and wanted Russian meat.


You are introduced to them but you are not told their names. Your name is to be Anna and you are told to say something to them in Russian. William makes the introductions and smiles at them. He is Hydra. He knows why you are here.

What do you say? Do they even understand Russian? From their accents you believe they are American but you are not sure.

"Good evening gentlemen. It is a nice evening out there," you hazard stupidly. William ducks his head but the two men smile and nudge each other. You realise they don't speak the language but they love to hear it. They imagine you are saying something quite different. Something dirty.

William taps you gently on the back to move you forward and you end up sitting between them.

William takes his leave. The door closes behind him, and you and the other prostitutes are alone with your clients. Two bodyguards at the door inside and two outside. More roaming the house and gardens. These men are important, at the top of their game, their safety is of utmost importance. The room is on the ground floor and there is an open doorway onto a terrace with a few steps that lead down to the garden. Two bodyguards patrol the terrace.

But Hydra wants these men out of the way. Hydra wants them dead.

In the handbag you have with you is a small device. It looks just like a compact mirror but will blank out all communications in the area. It is on a timer set for five minutes.

You just have to survive those five minutes.

Around you the men are beginning to enjoy their purchases. Lisa is actually sat on her customer's lap, curled up. Martyn, call me Marty, is knelt on the sofa next to his man. You are not sure what the other two are getting up to. Your stomach is cramped, you are sweating, and you feel sick.

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