Chapter Eighty-Four: Freya

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You open your eyes, and then close them again. The light is so bright it hurts them. For a moment, you lie still in the darkness. You have no memory of where you are, or what has happened, and so you struggle to think. You can hear a rushing noise in your ears and your head hurts. You are lying on your side and you are aware of how painful waking is. Your body feels strange, alien, as if it does not belong to you.

What can you last remember?

You don't know.

Where are you?

You don't know.

Maybe at the base, or at the inner-city unit?

You don't know.

You struggle to open your eyes again and you can hear a beeping noise, quiet, and even. Your eyesight is blurry. Someone comes forward and touches your hand – or, at least, you think they do. There is a voice, a female voice, but you cannot work out what it is they are saying.

Your mind isn't ready and you feel so tired that you allow it to slip back into sleep.


You remember nothing about waking previously. You open your eyes and the light is so bright. You close them and then open them again blinking. You try and lift your hand to touch your face, to wipe your eyes, but your arm is attached to something and you hear a voice, a female voice.

"Hey. Steady. Not so fast." Someone gently takes your hand and places it back down.

"Maggie?" you mumble. Is it Maggie? Is she here? Where are you? At which base? Your thoughts are confused, muddled, and your head is pulsing but as you struggle to stay awake the humming in your ears begins to lessen and you begin to see a bit more clearly. You try to sit up but it is beyond you and the woman tells you to rest.

There is something you must ask though before you sleep again, something important, and you try to hold on to the woman to ask her.

"Where is my Soldier?" But your voice is too weak and she cannot understand what you have asked.

"Shush now. Go back to sleep. You're safe," she says.


You are awake. You do not recognise the room nor the woman sitting on the bed next to you. She is holding your wrist taking your pulse and smiling at you. She looks kind, but you have learnt to trust no one - except your Winter Soldier.

You would like to get out of the bed, but you can't. You have just tried and tipped over the drip you are attached to and the woman with you had to come to your aid. As she came forward to catch you she was trying to calm you as well, telling you that everything is alright, that there was no need to worry. She laid you back against the pillows and you could see the worry in her eyes. You don't recognise her at all. How does she know you? Have you lost your memory? And then you think something that makes you go cold.

Did they wipe you?

"I'm sorry. Are you okay? No, what a stupid question, of course you're not okay." You realise that her voice is soft, gentle and caring. There is an accent there but one you have never heard before. She picks up the drip and sees that it is still thankfully attached, and then she is looking at you. You don't think you have ever seen such a naturally beautiful person before in your life. Her hair is a light brunette and she is wearing a cream coloured top paired with khaki trousers. You estimate that she is in her early thirties.

You do not have the energy to move as she sits on the bed. If she is evil, which somehow just looking at her you doubt very much, you don't think you care. You feel so tired, you just want to lie there and listen to her.

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