Chapter Twenty-Five: Ghosts of Christmas Past & Future

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Ghosts of Christmas Past & Future.

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all thro' the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar plums danc'd in their heads.

'Twas the night before Christmas – 1939

Only these two young men are not sleeping.

Steve is staying with the Barnes family for Christmas. The rest of the family are asleep, leaving Steve and Bucky alone in the living room where they usually slept together when Steve stays over.

The room is cosy. The only light is from the fire, which is starting to die down for the night, but they can still feel the warmth from it and see the glow of the flames reflected in the baubles on the Christmas tree. The reflection makes it look like it is covered with small glowing lights. They can hear the gentle snoring of Mr Barnes upstairs, and because of that they are not sure if Mrs Barnes is asleep yet. Bucky's younger brothers are fast asleep. They are still young enough to be excited by Christmas and they had vowed they would never be able to sleep...but the moment their heads touched the pillow they were.

The young men are lying on the floor, Steve lying one way and Bucky lying the other, creating a T. Bucky's head is resting on Steve's midriff. They are talking quietly and listening to music coming quietly from the radio. The fire crackles as a log shifts.

Steve can smell the pine from the Christmas tree and he is listening to Bucky talk about the future in a hushed tone. They are both are sleepy. He doesn't think he has ever been so comfortable in his life.

Bucky rolls over onto his front so that he is now looking at Steve; looking at those blue eyes, the blond hair falling over his forehead, and he can't help but smile.

Steve smiles back. "What are you grinning at?" he asks. His eyes are sleepy.

"You," Bucky replies, and he scoots forward so he can very gently kiss Steve on the lips. One of Steve's hands is resting on his chest, the other by his side, but now he gently pulls Bucky closer and returns the kiss.

Bucky pulls away. "Hey. Where do you think we will be this time next year?" he asks suddenly, and Steve shrugs, knowing it will annoy Bucky. After all, they have tentatively made plans for the rest of their lives together.

"Who knows? I mean where will we be in five years ten?" Steve replies, wanting to tease him... but instead he sees Bucky shiver, and sees a frown appear on Bucky's face.

"You okay?" he asks.

"I think someone just walked over my grave," he replies, trying to shake off the awful feeling that made him shiver, and to forget the knot of apprehension that tightened in his stomach. Instead he grins mischievously at Steve, bringing his hand up and slipping it under Steve's shirt. He slides it down across his stomach, watching Steve swallow and his hand continues until it slips under the waist band of Steve's trousers.

"Buck..." Steve tries to say, and Bucky shakes his head, still grinning, knowing the effect he is having on Steve.

"Wish you'd learn when to shut up," he says, bowing his head to kiss Steve once more and he moves his hand down, smiling again when he can feel the Steve's solid reaction to him.

"Oh Christ Buck, you're going to be the death of me," Steve groans and Bucky moves back to look at him.

"Language, Rogers," he says, laughing softly, as his hand takes Steve in a firm grip and he watches Steve's eyes close and his mouth open.

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