Chapter Eight: The Nurse - Taken

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The Nurse - Taken

First, there is a pounding on the front door which is so loud that it wakes all of you.

Then you hear your parents rush out to the landing, and you follow only seconds later, grabbing a shawl to cover your nightdress, trying to put your slippers on as you hurry down the stairs.

The front door crashes open and booted feet enter. Two soldiers appear on the stairs. They are shouting for everyone to come down. They have their rifles at the ready and you know they will shoot anyone who gives them cause to.

Your father leads the way, shielding your mother, and at the bottom of the stairs someone grabs you and holds you by your arms. The man who is obviously in charge steps forward and looks at you. He nods to the soldiers and turns to your parents.

There are now four soldiers. They bundle you outside whilst your parents cling to each other. You hear your father ask what is wrong, what is it you have done?

The man steps forward and speaks quietly to him.

By the time you look back, you see your parents white-faced clutching each other. Your mother looks petrified. You don't know what must be going around in her mind. Your father is pale, but his allegiance is to his wife and for this he must sacrifice his daughter.

He cannot look at you.

What have you done? What is this about? They must have the wrong person. You have no idea of who you have upset to deserve this treatment.

The man follows.

"They have been told to forget you," he says, "you won't be coming back."

"But...but what have I done? " you ask, fear churning away inside you.

He doesn't say any more.

Instead, a soldier steps forward and roughly places a hood over your head, then they lift you into the back of the lorry. You are guided to a cold metal seat and the soldiers get in either side of you. Terrible thoughts run through your mind as to what is going to happen to you, and now it is not just the cold making you tremble.


The man stamps his feet. It is cold tonight, but they didn't have time to let her get dressed. He is not a sadist and doesn't want trouble. Doesn't want to have to order his soldiers to kill her parents. He steps up into the cab and nods for the soldier to drive. He made sure her parents realised that if they asked any questions or still remembered they had a daughter then someone would come back, and they would be wiped out.

It was up to them now. Follow his advice or die.


You sit on the cold metal of the seat, sandwiched between two men. The metal burns the back of your legs where your nightdress has rucked up, and you try to feel around to pull it lower - but one of the soldiers smacks your hand away.

You can see nothing. The hessian of the hood scratches at your face but you dare not try to remove it. Suddenly, something lands in your lap, making you jump. You realise it is a blanket, rough but warmer than the cold air caressing you. You want to say thank you but you have no voice, your mouth is totally dry.

You huddle up as best as you can and try not to think about anything.

You only realise they are not going to kill you when you are pulled from the truck, and the hood is removed.

You are inside some type of military camp. Even though it is still night, soldiers are moving about and training and you glimpse buildings, lights full blaze and assault courses. You see all of this before you are hustled up some steps and into a building that is isolated from the others.

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