Chapter Twelve: The Nurse - I Never Told You His Name

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The Nurse - I Never Told You His Name

Doctor Jakobs comes to find you to discuss the nutrition programme and exercise regime you have created. They seem to be working, but there are a few things he needs to ask you.

You meet him in the corridor; you have just handed over to Stefan for a few hours. It is late afternoon. You are feeling tired, it has already been a long day.

He can see how pale you are. "When was the last time you were above?"

You smile. It is sad. "I haven't been up there since I was brought here. I've forgotten what its like."

God how long ago was that? Your mind can't help but wonder.

You watch as he reaches a decision. He knows you won't run. Its not in your nature, and he knows you will not leave your patient. Not for the first time Doctor Jakobs wonders what it is about this man that has such a hold over you.

"Come on."

You follow. You are too tired to ask where to.

After stopping by the canteen and obtaining two coffees and cake, he leads you to the main elevator - a place you are no longer allowed. The guard there makes to stop you but Doctor Jakobs intervenes.

"She's with me."

When you step out into the fresh air, the brightness of the day blinds you, the smells assault you and you realise it is autumn. Your eyes water and you feel a breeze wrap itself around your body. You are almost brought to your knees from everything that overwhelms you.

You both step away from the building, but as you walk forward you take in what you are seeing and stop. The expanse of the camp is laid out before you and it takes your breath away. The night you came here it was dark; you had no idea the operation was so large. You look around. You can still only see part of the camp and part of how it is laid out but other things about it shock you. You only saw soldiers briefly the first night, but even so they were Russian soldiers. It had obviously been a Russian Military Camp then, but now?

Now it was different.

Frighteningly so.

The soldiers you can see are no longer in Russian uniform. They wear the black uniforms of Hydra, with the red design on their shoulders. Some of the buildings have also been stencilled with the Hydra sign. You can see tanks, huge things easily twice the size of ordinary ones, immense guns on trailers, and fleets of other armoured vehicles you do not recognise. Over it all flies a flag. Not the normal Russian flag, but one that bears the Hydra insignia. You can hear shouts of men and marching feet, and to your right in the distance is a parade ground containing hundreds of squads of soldiers. You have never seen so many. Everyone is armed, everyone seems to have a purpose. High walls surround the camp, you can see towers on two of the corners, the others are obscured by even more buildings.

"Scary isn't it?" Jakobs says quietly when he sees where you are looking.

You look away, fear clutching at you.

"Is this why you brought me up here? To see this?" you ask.

He seems shocked.

"No, no why would looked pale, I thought some sun and fresh air would do you good. That is the only reason. "

And you believe him; for some reason you believe this man. You look at him your eyes watering in the light. There is a weakness there. No, not a weakness, a side to him maybe buried. He was once a good man...and then Hydra got hold of him.

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