Chapter Thirty-Three: The First & Second Missions

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The Winter Soldier & The Constant - The First & Second Missions

'The New Fist of Hydra' - Director Nikolay Lehmann 1947.

'HYDRA has been secretly feeding crises, reaping war. And when history did not cooperate, history was changed' - Hydra scientist, Armin Zola, 2016.

'One person in the right place at the right time' - Alex Pierce - Winter Soldier Handler - date unknown.

' Most of the intelligence community doesn't believe he exists. The ones that do call him the Winter Soldier . He's credited with over two dozen assassinations in the last 50 years. ' - Natasha Romanoff, 2016.

The First Mission

She is nervous. He can see it in the way she helps him pull up the zip on his jacket; her hands tremble and it takes her a few times to get it done up.


He covers her hand with his and she looks up at him, and then allows her hands to fall so he can complete the process. The jacket he is wearing covers him completely, including his left arm. There will no tell-tale red star giving him away on this mission.

She hands him his mask.

His mind is clear, focused. He knows what he is to do. He is the new fist of Hydra. With his missions he will rid the world of confusion, greed. His work will be of benefit to all of mankind. For every nation.

Hail Hydra!

Then he is in the lift. Walking out of the building. Getting into the truck that will take him to his rendezvous where the assassination is to take place. All under the radar.

It is just after midnight.

On the way only one person speaks with him. They go over his programming, double-check that he knows what is expected of him. He indicates to the others that all is well.

ETA is four hours.


Director Lehmann oversaw the Winter Soldier's departure. You know he will keep in radio contact with the team through everything, but before you leave he wants to tell you something. Something he knows that will hurt. He has to get his pleasures where he can.

"Miss Bowman."

You glance his way. You had been talking to Jakobs, and both of you stop talking as Lehmann approaches.

"Well we have finally got here. It has been a long journey, and yet finally he is off on his first official mission." He makes it sound as if what is happening is innocent, and even smiles at you but you do not smile back. You stopped playing his games a long time ago.

He looks at his watch even though he knows it is 12.30am. "And what a momentous day, no?"

You think you know what he is referring to. But you see Jakobs frown. He tries to interrupt but Lehmann is speaking again.

"Oh and by the way Miss Bowman - Happy Birthday."

Lehmann's smile widens. Jakobs curses and closes his eyes.

You say nothing as your glance drops to the ground, your mind working. Then you look back at Lehmann and see he is still smiling as he walks away. The bastard.

You have no knowledge of dates. You don't even know what year it is - but Lehmann does.

It is March 10th.

Captain America Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier Steve Rogers Fan Fic - The ConstantWhere stories live. Discover now